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Issue and Pull Request templates

It's hard to solve a problem when important details are missing. Now project maintainers can add templates for Issues and Pull Requests to projects, helping contributors share the right details…

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It’s hard to solve a problem when important details are missing. Now project maintainers can add templates for Issues and Pull Requests to projects, helping contributors share the right details at the start of a thread. This is the first of many improvements to Issues and Pull Requests that we’re working on based on feedback from the community.

To add an Issue template to a repository create a file called ISSUE_TEMPLATE in the root directory. A file extension is optional, but Markdown files (.md) are supported. Markdown support makes it easy to add things like headings, links, @-mentions, and task lists to your templates.

Pull Request templates follows the same pattern: add a file called PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE to the root directory of your repository.

If you’re worried about the added clutter in the root directory of your project, we also added support for a .github/ folder. You can put,, and files in .github/ and everything will work as expected.

Check out the documentation for additional information on the feature.

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