(六)RASA NLU意图分类器






使用Sklearn去做意图识别。sklearn也是通过SVM做意图识别,只是sklearn的SVM是通过grid search方法优化的,关于Grid Search参考


- name: "SklearnIntentClassifier"
 # Specifies the list of regularization values to
 # cross-validate over for C-SVM.
 # This is used with the ``kernel`` hyperparameter in GridSearchCV.
 C: [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 100]
 # Specifies the kernel to use with C-SVM.
 # This is used with the ``C`` hyperparameter in GridSearchCV.
 kernels: ["linear"]
 # Gamma parameter of the C-SVM.
 "gamma": [0.1]
 # We try to find a good number of cross folds to use during
 # intent training, this specifies the max number of folds.
 "max_cross_validation_folds": 5
 # Scoring function used for evaluating the hyper parameters.
 # This can be a name or a function.
 "scoring_function": "f1_weighted"





DIET模型是Dual Intent and Entity Transformer的简称, 解决了对话理解问题中的2个问题,意图分类和实体识别。DIET使用的是纯监督的方式,没有任何预训练的情况下,无须大规模预训练是关键,性能好于fine-tuning Bert, 但是训练速度是bert的6倍。输入是用户消息和可选意图的稠密或者稀疏向量。输出是实体,意图和评分。











| Parameter                       | Default Value    | Description                                                  |
| hidden_layers_sizes             | text: []         | Hidden layer sizes for layers before the embedding layers    |
|                                 | label: []        | for user messages and labels. The number of hidden layers is |
|                                 |                  | equal to the length of the corresponding list.               |
| share_hidden_layers             | False            | Whether to share the hidden layer weights between user       |
|                                 |                  | messages and labels.                                         |
| transformer_size                | 256              | Number of units in transformer.                              |
| number_of_transformer_layers    | 2                | Number of transformer layers.                                |
| number_of_attention_heads       | 4                | Number of attention heads in transformer.                    |
| use_key_relative_attention      | False            | If 'True' use key relative embeddings in attention.          |
| use_value_relative_attention    | False            | If 'True' use value relative embeddings in attention.        |
| max_relative_position           | None             | Maximum position for relative embeddings.                    |
| unidirectional_encoder          | False            | Use a unidirectional or bidirectional encoder.               |
| batch_size                      | [64, 256]        | Initial and final value for batch sizes.                     |
|                                 |                  | Batch size will be linearly increased for each epoch.        |
|                                 |                  | If constant `batch_size` is required, pass an int, e.g. `8`. |
| batch_strategy                  | "balanced"       | Strategy used when creating batches.                         |
|                                 |                  | Can be either 'sequence' or 'balanced'.                      |
| epochs                          | 300              | Number of epochs to train.                                   |
| random_seed                     | None             | Set random seed to any 'int' to get reproducible results.    |
| learning_rate                   | 0.001            | Initial learning rate for the optimizer.                     |
| embedding_dimension             | 20               | Dimension size of embedding vectors.                         |
| dense_dimension                 | text: 128        | Dense dimension for sparse features to use.                  |
|                                 | label: 20        |                                                              |
| concat_dimension                | text: 128        | Concat dimension for sequence and sentence features.         |
|                                 | label: 20        |                                                              |
| number_of_negative_examples     | 20               | The number of incorrect labels. The algorithm will minimize  |
|                                 |                  | their similarity to the user input during training.          |
| similarity_type                 | "auto"           | Type of similarity measure to use, either 'auto' or 'cosine' |
|                                 |                  | or 'inner'.                                                  |
| loss_type                       | "softmax"        | The type of the loss function, either 'softmax' or 'margin'. |
| ranking_length                  | 10               | Number of top actions to normalize scores for loss type      |
|                                 |                  | 'softmax'. Set to 0 to turn off normalization.               |
| maximum_positive_similarity     | 0.8              | Indicates how similar the algorithm should try to make       |
|                                 |                  | embedding vectors for correct labels.                        |
|                                 |                  | Should be 0.0 < ... < 1.0 for 'cosine' similarity type.      |
| maximum_negative_similarity     | -0.4             | Maximum negative similarity for incorrect labels.            |
|                                 |                  | Should be -1.0 < ... < 1.0 for 'cosine' similarity type.     |
| use_maximum_negative_similarity | True             | If 'True' the algorithm only minimizes maximum similarity    |
|                                 |                  | over incorrect intent labels, used only if 'loss_type' is    |
|                                 |                  | set to 'margin'.                                             |
| scale_loss                      | False            | Scale loss inverse proportionally to confidence of correct   |
|                                 |                  | prediction.                                                  |
| regularization_constant         | 0.002            | The scale of regularization.                                 |
| negative_margin_scale           | 0.8              | The scale of how important it is to minimize the maximum     |
|                                 |                  | similarity between embeddings of different labels.           |
| weight_sparsity                 | 0.8              | Sparsity of the weights in dense layers.                     |
|                                 |                  | Value should be between 0 and 1.                             |
| drop_rate                       | 0.2              | Dropout rate for encoder. Value should be between 0 and 1.   |
|                                 |                  | The higher the value the higher the regularization effect.   |
| drop_rate_attention             | 0.0              | Dropout rate for attention. Value should be between 0 and 1. |
|                                 |                  | The higher the value the higher the regularization effect.   |
| use_sparse_input_dropout        | True             | If 'True' apply dropout to sparse input tensors.             |
| use_dense_input_dropout         | True             | If 'True' apply dropout to dense input tensors.              |
| evaluate_every_number_of_epochs | 20               | How often to calculate validation accuracy.                  |
|                                 |                  | Set to '-1' to evaluate just once at the end of training.    |
| evaluate_on_number_of_examples  | 0                | How many examples to use for hold out validation set.        |
|                                 |                  | Large values may hurt performance, e.g. model accuracy.      |
| intent_classification           | True             | If 'True' intent classification is trained and intents are   |
|                                 |                  | predicted.                                                   |
| entity_recognition              | True             | If 'True' entity recognition is trained and entities are     |
|                                 |                  | extracted.                                                   |
| use_masked_language_model       | False            | If 'True' random tokens of the input message will be masked  |
|                                 |                  | and the model has to predict those tokens. It acts like a    |
|                                 |                  | regularizer and should help to learn a better contextual     |
|                                 |                  | representation of the input.                                 |
| tensorboard_log_directory       | None             | If you want to use tensorboard to visualize training         |
|                                 |                  | metrics, set this option to a valid output directory. You    |
|                                 |                  | can view the training metrics after training in tensorboard  |
|                                 |                  | via 'tensorboard --logdir <path-to-given-directory>'.        |
| tensorboard_log_level           | "epoch"          | Define when training metrics for tensorboard should be       |
|                                 |                  | logged. Either after every epoch ('epoch') or for every      |
|                                 |                  | training step ('minibatch').                                 |
| featurizers                     | []               | List of featurizer names (alias names). Only features        |
|                                 |                  | coming from the listed names are used. If list is empty      |
|                                 |                  | all available features are used.                             |
| checkpoint_model                | False            | Save the best performing model during training. Models are   |
|                                 |                  | stored to the location specified by `--out`. Only the one    |
|                                 |                  | best model will be saved.                                    |
|                                 |                  | Requires `evaluate_on_number_of_examples > 0` and            |
|                                 |                  | `evaluate_every_number_of_epochs > 0`                        |
| split_entities_by_comma         | True             | Splits a list of extracted entities by comma to treat each   |
|                                 |                  | one of them as a single entity. Can either be `True`/`False` |
|                                 |                  | globally, or set per entity type, such as:                   |
|                                 |                  | ```                                                          |
|                                 |                  | ...                                                          |
|                                 |                  | - name: DIETClassifier                                       |
|                                 |                  |   split_entities_by_comma:                                   |
|                                 |                  |     address: True                                            |
|                                 |                  |     ...                                                      |
|                                 |                  | ...                                                          |
|                                 |                  | ```                                                          |




- rule: Ask the user to rephrase in case of low NLU confidence
  - intent: nlu_fallback
  - action: utter_please_rephrase




编辑于 2021-01-08 21:20