iOS审核被拒Guideline 3.2 - Business、1.2 - Safety



  1. 最近写了个公司内部使用的APP,产品定位是后期可能推广到其他企业使用。
  2. APP没有注册,只能后台配置的账号登录,且是强制登录。
  3. 用户可自由发布内容到圈子。(后面苹果把APP定位是社交类应用,避坑请看Guideline 1.2


由于没有发布这种APP 的经验,生怕卡在无注册页面、强制登录那里,就备注了最最最糟糕的一句话:”由于APP内部使用,且和账号强相关,必须先登录“。 坏就坏在第一句话,内部使用。苹果立马就甩个拒绝。呜呜呜~~~


  1. Guideline 3.2 - Business : APP内部使用,定位不清
  2. 这次是换bundleID后新建APP,未作任何解释的被拒原因
  • Guideline 1.2 - Safety - User Generated Content :社交类应用该有的没有
  • Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed :给苹果解释些问题

一、Guideline 3.2 - Business

During our review, we found that this app was designed for a specific business or organization and not for general distribution on the App Store. Business apps available on the App Store are meant for use by a wide variety of external customers around the world.

As this app is not intended for general distribution, it cannot be made available on the App Store. We encourage you to review the other ways to distribute your business app and choose one that better meets your business needs.



  1. 继续提交APP,并附上APP操作的视频啊或者文档。解释说明自己的APP不仅仅用于内部员工,其他公司或者个人也能用。APP尚未完善,后续会继续完善等等,大致这个意思说明白
  2. 新的APP,直接删除,换个bundleID 重新上架。

我这个是新APP发布。所以果断删除 iTunes store中APP,换个bundleID 重新上架。这次啥也没敢说,等着苹果的回复。。。(由于后面被拒还是要解释的APP的用途,所以你可以在这里加上备注:解释你的APP并非只用于公司内部,说不定就审核过了。具体可看(二)苹果提的问题)


二、Guideline 1.2 - Safety - User Generated Content

1. 2 Safety: User Generated Content
Guideline 1.2 - Safety - User Generated Content
Your app enables the display of user-generated content but does not have the proper precautions in place.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your app to implement all of the following precautions:
- Require that users agree to terms (EULA) and these terms must make it clear that there is no tolerance for objectionable content or abusive users
- A method for filtering objectionable content
- A mechanism for users to flag objectionable content
- A mechanism for users to block abusive users
- The developer must act on objectionable content reports within 24 hours by removing the content and ejecting the user who provided the offending content
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need additional information about your app.
Next Steps
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can.
- Who is the target audience?
- How do users obtain an account?
- Is this app meant for internal distribution in your own company, in the company of one target client, or in multiple target clients’ companies?
- In which countries will this app primarily be distributed?
- If this app is meant for internal distribution, will the app be accessible by both internal and external partners? Or will it be exclusive to in-house employees?
Once you reply to this message in Resolution Center with the requested information, we can proceed with your review.
Please see attached screenshot for details.




  1. APP属于社交类应用。对应续作调整
  2. 审核员的疑问?

第一个问题:Guideline 1.2



    • 对敏感信息进行说明,在登录页面加用户使用协议


    • 网上找到的有说直接一个弹出框"举报成功,平台将会在24小时内给出回复"。
    • 我们是真的加了这个功能,弹出多个违规选项,附上举报须知。让后台去做删除处理

3)添加 屏蔽/拉黑功能

    • 这个是屏蔽某一个人,屏蔽后这个人发布的所有内容将对你不可见

4)对用户上传的内容做 ”图片视频文字监黄“

这四步都需要做处理,不用想着怎么避开了~ 避不开的

第二个问题: Guideline 2.1

注意:你回答的在哪个国家发布APP,iTunes store里也要设置一样的。

- Who is the target audience?


- How do users obtain an account?


- Is this app meant for internal distribution in your own company, in the company of one target client, or in multiple target clients’ companies?


- In which countries will this app primarily be distributed?


- If this app is meant for internal distribution, will the app be accessible by both internal and external partners? Or will it be exclusive to in-house employees?




  • 如果你像我一样,是个新的APP,就按照 “第一个问题:Guideline 1.2" 里面提到的四个必有内容加上;备注解释下自己的APP定位(参考“第二个问题: Guideline 2.1”)。
  • 如果你被拒次数多了,或者觉得解释不清楚,尽早选择申请电话联系。邮件一来一回两三天就没了。给苹果回复的邮件里,写上你的手机号码 +86 ... 注意加上你方便接听的时间区间,防止接听不到。
发布于 2020-07-10 22:00