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Because my huginn jobs as rss source always show as not working,so i write a rss source from web,replace huginn. the grab time interval can be configured ,in the,the init value is 12 hours

0.known bugs

All kinds of css can not contain only a single quote ' or only a double quote " which is not belong to the xpath format,such as "//title's tr" or "//title tr",must be "//titletr"

these bugs exist because lxml can not handle these situation it works

If a web do not have a rss,this project can get a rss source from the web

This project based on tornado and postgresql,after login,tornado shows you a html page which can be used to input the rss contents xpath css,after click save,the tornaodo will fetch the web contents use the "site_url",then get the articl title and article hyperlink,then tornado fetch every article from the article hyperlink,and generated a rss file.

I use postgresql stored the rss file's contents and its hyperlink,you can subscribe the rss using the hyper link.

Every time interval in the,tornado will regenerate the rss through the above process.

All process in tornado is async.


  • ubuntu 18.04
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Release:	18.04
Codename:	bionic
  • ubuntu user:ubuntu
  • python3.6
python --version
Python 3.6.9
  • pip3
pip --version
pip 9.0.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (python 3.6)


3.1 install command

p3 install git+
sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq5 postgresql-contrib postgresql-server-dev-10
git clone
sudo cp -rv rss-from-web /var
sudo chown -R ubuntu rss-from-web
sudo chgrp -R ubuntu rss-from-web
cd /var/rss-from-web
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

3.2 config postgresql

  • create user ubuntu for postgresql
  • create database rss_from_web
  • setup the password as "password" for user ubuntu when accessing database rss_from_web

cd /var/rss-from-web/
supervisord -c supervisor/supervisord.conf
lsof -i | grep python

if you see listen 8000,congratulations,it's working visit "http://localhost:8000/rss-from-web" ,input user_name:admin and password:password you will see the home page,it looks like this: image


click the "Add a rss" on the right up corner,then you could add something like this: image

you can copy all the xpath css here:









then click the save button,you will see the rss source,like this: image

then you can use your rss reader subscribe it.


  • fix the only one single or double quotes in the xpath css
  • fix the error when generate rss from the next web
  • add the tornado log(in fact,add the python log) ,so that can debug easily
  • add the xpath error to the browser when the some error happened
  • add to the pypi library ,so that install easily
  • construct a good document page
  • reform the index.html,so that it looks more suitable
  • add the exist feed or rss entrance,so that can add an exist feed or rss to the database


a web do not have a rss,this project can get a rss source from the web







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