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pub package

A command-lint tool for help develop flutter application.


fluct is not meant to be used as a dependency,Instead,it should be "activated".

$ pub global activate fluct
# or
$ flutter pub global activate fluct

or you can get it form github.

$ pub global activate -sgit
# or
$ flutter pub global activate -sgit

Learn more about activating and using packages (here)[]


fluct provides two commands:create,assets-gen,strings-gen,strings-replace.

  • create create a new file about widget.
  • assets-gen autogenerated assets file to a.dart
  • strings-gen autogenerated chinese strings to json file.
  • strings-replace auto replace json file find the value to key.

fluct create

Help Flutter application create a new file

Usage: fluct create [arguments] <path>
-h, --help            Print this usage information.
-t, --type            
          [custom]    Create a new file about custom widget in 'fluct.yaml'
          [stful]     Create a new file about StatefulWidget
          [stless]    Create a new file about StatelessWidget

-a, --arg             create a new file about your custom widget use arg in 'fluct.yaml'

Run "fluct help" to see global options.


create a new file about StateFulWidget.

$ fluct create -t stful home_page
Create a new file about StatefulWidget
create class HomePage
create success
exit 0

End,you can find ./home_page.dart

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  _HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState();

class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

custom widget

Create a new file about custom widget in 'fluct.yaml'

inh: |
  import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

  class $NAME$ extends InheritedWidget {
    const $NAME$({
      Key key,
      @required Widget child,
    })  : assert(child != null),
          super(key: key, child: child);

    static $NAME$ of(BuildContext context) {
      return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType(aspect: $NAME$) as $NAME$;

    bool updateShouldNotify($NAME$ old) {
      return false;

inh: is your arg. import..: is your custom widget,use $NAME$ will replace your name by file name,and the first word will uppercase,such as: home_page will become HomePage

as last, you can use this command-line.

fluct create -t custom -a inh home_page_inherited

fluct assets-gen

Auto generate assets to dart file

Usage: fluct assets-gen [arguments] <path>
-h, --help            Print this usage information.
-a, --assets          your asset directory path -- default ./assets

-i, --ignore          ignore your start path
                      // such as file path is assets/images/... you want to ignore assets/ will become images/....
-o, --output          your output directory path -- default ./lib/generated

-r, --[no-]rename     Include chinese filename will be rename.

-c, --[no-]collect    Collect filename include @2x/@3x/@4x strings file to /2.0x,/3.0x,/4.0x directory
Run "fluct help" to see global options.

Running it.

╰─$ fluct assets-gen
tip: assets directory path in `./assets`
tip: output directory path in `./lib/generated`
waiting: generate running...           0.0s
success: generate complete,new file in `./lib/generated/a.dart`
You can add it in your `pubspec.yaml` file 
    - assets/village/
    - assets/pay/
    - assets/message/
    - assets/mine/
    - assets/login/
All done exit 0

In your path:./lib/generated/a.dart,you can find...

// fluct assets-gen command generated.
// author:  rhyme_lph
// github:
// version: 1.0.3
class A {
  static final String  assetsVillageMyMsg = 'assets/village/my_msg.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageVRepair = 'assets/village/v_repair.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageVPropertyFee = 'assets/village/v_property_fee.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageVVoting = 'assets/village/v_voting.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageIcCompany = 'assets/village/ic_company.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageIcRightArrow = 'assets/village/ic_right_arrow.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageVComplain = 'assets/village/v_complain.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageIcLaw = 'assets/village/ic_law.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageIcSearch = 'assets/village/ic_search.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageIvFamilyNorepair = 'assets/village/iv_family_norepair.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageIcUploadPic = 'assets/village/ic_upload_pic.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageIvFamilyNocomplaint = 'assets/village/iv_family_nocomplaint.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageIvFamilyNoad = 'assets/village/iv_family_noad.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageIcGovernment = 'assets/village/ic_government.png';
  static final String  assetsVillageVHouse = 'assets/village/v_house.png';

  static final String  assetsPayPayTypeWx = 'assets/pay/pay_type_wx.png';
  static final String  assetsPayPayTypeAbc = 'assets/pay/pay_type_abc.jpg';
  static final String  assetsPayPayTypeAli = 'assets/pay/pay_type_ali.png';

  static final String  assetsMessageArticle4 = 'assets/message/article_4.jpg';
  static final String  assetsMessageArticle1 = 'assets/message/article_1.jpg';
  static final String  assetsMessageArticle3 = 'assets/message/article_3.jpg';
  static final String  assetsMessageArticle2 = 'assets/message/article_2.jpg';
  static final String  assetsMessageMReturn = 'assets/message/m_return.png';

  static final String  assetsMineDefaultAvatar = 'assets/mine/default_avatar.png';
  static final String  assetsMineMyMsg = 'assets/mine/my_msg.png';
  static final String  assetsMineHwpushIcToolbarRefresh = 'assets/mine/hwpush_ic_toolbar_refresh.png';
  static final String  assetsMineArrowRight = 'assets/mine/arrow_right.png';
  static final String  assetsMineWhiteRight = 'assets/mine/white_right.png';
  static final String  assetsMineIvCardEmblem = 'assets/mine/iv_card_emblem.png';
  static final String  assetsMineHomeCenterNormal = 'assets/mine/home_center_normal.png';
  static final String  assetsMineUserCenterNormal = 'assets/mine/user_center_normal.png';
  static final String  assetsMineVideoCamera = 'assets/mine/video_camera.png';
  static final String  assetsMineShare = 'assets/mine/share.png';
  static final String  assetsMineIconCamera = 'assets/mine/icon_camera.png';
  static final String  assetsMineIvCardFace = 'assets/mine/iv_card_face.png';
  static final String  assetsMineMySetting = 'assets/mine/my_setting.png';
  static final String  assetsMineUmiIdentity = 'assets/mine/umi_identity.png';
  static final String  assetsMineUmiModfiyPwd = 'assets/mine/umi_modfiy_pwd.png';
  static final String  assetsMineMyBill = 'assets/mine/my_bill.png';

  static final String  assetsLoginIcClose = 'assets/login/ic_close.png';
  static final String  assetsLoginIcLauncher = 'assets/login/ic_launcher.png';
  static final String  assetsLoginIcLoginBg = 'assets/login/ic_login_bg.png';
  static final String  assetsLoginIcEyesClose = 'assets/login/ic_eyes_close.png';
  static final String  assetsLoginIcEyesOpen = 'assets/login/ic_eyes_open.png';

fluct string-gen

Auto generate chinese strings to json file

Usage: fluct string-gen [arguments]
-h, --help      Print this usage information.
-o, --output    your output directory path -- default ./lib/generated.
-a, --assets    your asset directory path -- default ./lib

Run "fluct help" to see global options.

Running it.

╰─$ fluct string-gen
tip: assets directory path in `./lib`
tip: output directory path in `./lib/generated`
waiting: seek chinese strings form your ./lib... 0.2s
success: generate complete,new file in `./lib/generated/strings.json`
All done exit 0

In your path:./lib/generated/string.json,you can find...

  "0": "单引号",
  "1": "双引号",
  "2": "单引sdfsdf\nsdfsf号多",
  "3": "双引sdfsdf\nsdfdsf号多",
  "4": "r单引号",
  "5": "r双引号",
  "6": "r单引dsfsdf\nsfdsf号多",
  "7": "r双引sdfsdfs\nsdfsdf号多",

fluct string-replace

Auto replace string to your value

Usage: fluct strings-replace [arguments]
-h, --help      Print this usage information.
-i, --import    the code of you want to import package  --default `import 'package:../generated/i18n.dart'`;
-v, --var       your i18n variable --default `S.of(context)`
-s, --source    your source json file --default `./res/values/a.json`

Run "fluct help" to see global options.

Running it.

╰─$ fluct string-gen
tip: assets directory path in `./lib`
tip: output directory path in `./lib/generated`
waiting: seek chinese strings form your ./lib... 0.2s
success: generate complete,new file in `./lib/generated/strings.json`
All done exit 0

In your path:./lib/generated/string.json,you can find...

  "0": "单引号",
  "1": "双引号",
  "2": "单引sdfsdf\nsdfsf号多",
  "3": "双引sdfsdf\nsdfdsf号多",
  "4": "r单引号",
  "5": "r双引号",
  "6": "r单引dsfsdf\nsfdsf号多",
  "7": "r双引sdfsdfs\nsdfsdf号多",

Have a nice day 。


A command-lint tool for help develop flutter application.







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