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Jonathan Chappelow edited this page Dec 21, 2018 · 1 revision

Q: What is the following message during startup?

32 opcode OP_DATA_14 requires 15 bytes, but script only has 7 remaining 801679e98561ada96caec2949a5d41c4cab3851eb740d951c10ecbcf265c1fd9

A: Nothing to worry about. A dependency that handles script decoding prints certain messages to stdout. This message is expected when decoding the genesis block transaction.

Q: Why does initial sync take so long?

A: First, if your sync is on track to take 8 or more hours, it's very likely that PostgreSQL needs to be reconfigured for your hardware. See the the following for more:

To set your expectations, the following are approximate initial sync times on a well configured workstation with an NVMe SSD:

Mode Full sync time
Lite 15 minutes
Full 3 hours

Q: It's still slow. How can I speed things up.

A: dcrdata is an I/O intensive application, or rather the database backend is. Especially when running in "full" mode with PostgreSQL, it is strongly recommended to use a local (not networked) SSD (preferably NVMe, not SATA). dcrdata will load 2-4 CPU cores during sync, if they are available.

Q: Do I have to restart dcrdata to see changes in the HTML template files (views/*.tmpl)?

A: No, but you need to send a signal to re-parse the files when changes are made. Unfortunately, this is not possible on Windows. On Linux, UNIX, and Mac, send the dcrdata process a SIGUSR1 (e.g. killall -s USR1 dcrdata)

Q: How can I contribute?

A: See docs/

Q: Are there Docker images?

A: Yes, but they are not supported. You may use them as examples. See docs/

Q: Where can I talk to someone on the project?

A:, pick a chat service (Matrix and Slack are most common), and find your way to the #dcrdata channel.