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Chinese Named Entity Recognition using IDCNN/biLSTM+CRF

End to End Chinese Named Entity Recognition by Iterated Dilated Convolution Nerual Networks with Conditional Random Field layer.

Original code in with BiLSTM+CRF, modified with option to use new model IDCNN+CRF, inspired by kcws which uses IDCNN for word segment.

Original paper Fast and Accurate Entity Recognition with Iterated Dilated Convolutions


  • Python (>=3.5)

  • TensorFlow (>=r1.0)

  • jieba (>=0.37)


* Training:

  1. Prepare data at data/, including training data (example.train), validation data (, testing data (example.test), and Chinese character embedding data (vec.txt).
Current sample data includes 3 types of Named Entities, including ORG, PER and LOC
  1. Training, models with best F1 score on validation data will be saved at ckpt/

To train with IDCNN+CRF (default), run:

#python3 --train=True --clean=True --model_type=idcnn

To train with biLSTM + CRF, run:

#python3 --train=True --clean=True --model_type=bilstm

* Inference with command line input:

Following command will run your trained model at /ckpt


We have provided with pre-trained NER models.

To test the pre-trained IDCNN+CRF model, run

#python3 --ckpt_path=ckpt_IDCNN

To test the pre-trained biLSTM+CRF model, run

#python3 --ckpt_path=ckpt_biLSTM

Sample Results

INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from ckpt_IDCNN/ner.ckpt

{'string': '香港的房价已经到达历史巅峰,乌溪沙地铁站上盖由新鸿基地产公司开发的银湖天峰,现在的尺价已经超过一万五千港币。',
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{'string': '联想集团的总部位于北京,首席执行官是杨元庆先生', 
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{'string': '在万达集团的老总王健林的著名采访之后,深圳出现了一家公司叫做赚它一个亿网络科技有限公司', 
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{'string': '我也不明白为什么有人注册公司名字这么奇葩', 
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{'string': '普京和特朗普通了电话,一起表示了对希拉里的鄙视', 
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{'string': '著名演员刘德华先生,日前在唧唧咕唧岛上拍摄北京遇上西雅图时,从马上摔下受了伤', 
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{'string': '2015年6月早上发生的那件事,一致停留在李晓华的脑海里', 
'entities': [{'end': 24, 'start': 21, 'word': '李晓华', 'type': 'PER'}]}

{'string': '律师解读郭敬明性骚扰事件:若无证据 对李枫不利', 
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{'string': '南开大学党委书记魏大鹏、校长龚克,中科院院士白以龙、陈和生、陈十一、陈永川、邓小刚、杜江峰、方守贤、葛墨林、贺贤土、洪家兴、江松、李家明、李树深、罗俊、罗民兴、莫毅明、欧阳钟灿、潘建伟、孙昌璞、向涛、谢心澄、邢定钰、杨国桢、张维岩、张伟平、张肇西、赵政国、赵忠贤、周向宇、朱邦芬、邹广田,著名书画家、南开大学终身教授范曾,南开大学副校长严纯华出席。', 
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{'string': '陈省身先生的好朋友、原英国皇家学会会长迈克尔•阿蒂亚曾为在爱丁堡广场捐建价值约200万英镑麦克斯韦铜像,花费了很大力气。', 
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{'string': '当地时间25日(周五)下午2点30分,韩国法院将对三星电子副会长李在镕行贿案作出一审判决。今年49岁、三星集团的实际领导人李在镕,即将迎来他的“命运星期五”。', 
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