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ClearNLP Dependency Labels

Current Labels

Label Description Since
ACL Clausal modifier of noun 3.1.0
ACOMP Adjectival complement 1.0.0
ADVCL Adverbial clause modifier 1.0.0
ADVMOD Adverbial modifier 1.0.0
AGENT Agent 1.0.0
AMOD Adjectival modifier 1.0.0
APPOS Appositional modifier 1.0.0
ATTR Attribute 1.0.0
AUX Auxiliary 1.0.0
AUXPASS Auxiliary (passive) 1.0.0
CASE Case marker 3.1.0
CC Coordinating conjunction 1.0.0
CCOMP Clausal complement 1.0.0
COMPOUND Compound modifier 3.1.0
CONJ Conjunct 1.0.0
CSUBJ Clausal subject 1.0.0
CSUBJPASS Clausal subject (passive) 1.0.0
DATIVE Dative 3.1.0
DEP Unclassified dependent 1.0.0
DET Determiner 1.0.0
DOBJ Direct Object 1.0.0
EXPL Expletive 1.0.0
INTJ Interjection 1.0.0
MARK Marker 1.0.0
META Meta modifier 1.0.0
NEG Negation modifier 1.0.0
NOUNMOD Modifier of nominal 3.1.0
NPMOD Noun phrase as adverbial modifier 3.1.0
NSUBJ Nominal subject 1.0.0
NSUBJPASS Nominal subject (passive) 1.0.0
NUMMOD Number modifier 3.1.0
OPRD Object predicate 1.0.0
PARATAXIS Parataxis 1.0.0
PCOMP Complement of preposition 1.0.0
POBJ Object of preposition 1.0.0
POSS Possession modifier 1.0.0
PRECONJ Pre-correlative conjunction 1.0.0
PREDET Pre-determiner 1.0.0
PREP Prepositional modifier 1.0.0
PRT Particle 1.0.0
PUNCT Punctuation 1.0.0
QUANTMOD Modifier of quantifier 1.0.0
RELCL Relative clause modifier 3.1.0
ROOT Root 1.0.0
XCOMP Open clausal complement 1.0.0

Deprecated Labels

Label Description Since Notes
COMPLM Complementizer 3.0.0 Replaced to mark
INFMOD Infinitival modifier 3.0.0 Replaced to acl
PARTMOD Participle modifier 3.0.0 Replaced to acl
HMOD Modifier in hyphenation 3.1.0 Replaced to compound
HYPH Hyphen 3.1.0 Replaced to punct
IOBJ Indirect object 3.1.0 Replaced to dative
NUM Number modifier 3.1.0 Replaced to nummod
NUMBER Number compound modifier 3.1.0 Replaced to compound
NMOD Modifier of nominal 3.1.0 Replaced to nounmod
NN Noun compound modifier 3.1.0 Replaced to compound
NPADVMOD Noun phrase as adverbial modifier 3.1.0 Replaced to npmod
POSSESSIVE Possessive modifier 3.1.0 Replaced to case
RCMOD Relative clause modifier 3.1.0 Replaced to relcl


Nominal subject

A nominal subject (nsubj) is a non-clausal constituent in the subject position of an active verb.

Nominal subject (passive)

A nominal passive subject (nsubjpass) is a non-clausal constituent in the subject position of a passive verb.

Clausal subject

A clausal subject (csubj) is a clause in the subject position of an active verb.

Clausal subject (passive)

A clausal passive subject (csubjpass) is a clause in the subject position of a passive verb.


An agent (agent) is the complement of a passive verb that is the surface subject of its active form.


An expletive (expl) is an existential there in the subject position.


Direct object

A direct object (dobj) is a noun phrase that is the accusative object of a (di)transitive verb.


A dative (dative) is a nominal or prepositional object of dative-shifting verb.


An attribute (attr) is a noun phrase that is a non-VP (verb phrase) predicate usually following a copula verb.

Object predicate

An object predicate (oprd) is a non-VP predicate in a small clause that functions like the predicate of an object.


Clausal complement

A clausal complement (ccomp) is a clause with an internal subject that modifies the head of an ADJP|ADVP|NML|NP|WHNP|VP|SINV|SQ.

Open clausal complement

An open clausal complement (xcomp) is a clause without an internal subject that modifies the head of an ADJP|ADVP|VP|SINV|SQ.

Adjectival complement

An adjectival complement (acomp) is an adjective phrase that modifies the head of a VP|SINV|SQ, that is usually a verb.


Appositional modifier

An appositional modifier (appos) of an NML|NP is a noun phrase immediately preceded by another noun phrase, which gives additional information to its preceding noun phrase.

Clausal modifier

A finite or non-finite clausal modifier (acl) is either an infinitival modifier is an infinitive clause or phrase that modifies the head of a noun phrase, or a participial modifier is a clause or phrase whose head is a verb in a participial form (e.g., gerund, past participle) that modifies the head of a noun phrase, or a complement.

Relative clause modifier

A relative clause modifier (relcl) is a either relative clause or a reduced relative clause that modifies the head of an NML|NP|WHNP.


A determiner (det) is a word token whose pos tag is DT|WDT|WP that modifies the head of a noun phrase.


A predeterminer (predet) is a word token whose pos tag is PDT that modifies the head of a noun phrase.

Numeric modifier

A numeric modifier (nummod) is any number or quantifier phrase that modifies the head of a noun phrase.

Adjectival modifier

An adjectival modifier (amod) is an adjective or an adjective phrase that modifies the meaning of another word, usually a noun.

Possession modifier

A possession modifier (poss) is either a possessive determiner (PRP$) or a NML|NP|WHNP containing a possessive ending that modifies the head of a ADJP|NML|NP|QP|WHNP.

Modifier of nominal

A modifier of nominal (nmod) is any unclassified dependent that modifies the head of a noun phrase.


Adverbial modifier

An adverbial modifier (advmod) is an adverb or an adverb phrase that modifies the meaning of another word.

Adverbial clause modifier

An adverbial clause modifier (advcl) is a clause that acts like an adverbial modifier.

Negation modifier

A negation modifier (neg) is an adverb that gives negative meaning to its head.

Noun phrase as adverbial modifier

An adverbial noun phrase modifier (npmod) is a noun phrase that acts like an adverbial modifier.


Object of a preposition

An object of a preposition (pobj) is a noun phrase that modifies the head of a prepositional phrase, which is usually a preposition but can be a verb in a participial form such as VBG.

Complement of a preposition

A complement of a preposition (pcomp) is any dependent that is not a pobj but modifies the head of a prepositional phrase.



A conjunct (conj) is a dependent of the leftmost conjunct in coordination.

Coordinating conjunction

A coordinating conjunction (cc) is a dependent of the leftmost conjunct in coordination.

Pre-correlative conjunction

A pre-correlative conjunction (preconj) is the first part of a correlative conjunction that becomes a dependent of the first conjunct in coordination.

Prepositional modifier

A prepositional modifier (prep) is any prepositional phrase that modifies the meaning of its head.



An auxiliary (aux) is an auxiliary or modal verb that gives further information about the main verb (e.g., tense, aspect).

Auxiliary (passive)

A passive auxiliary (auxpass) is an auxiliary verb, be, become, or get, that modifies a passive verb.

Compound words


A compound (compound) is either a noun modifying the head of noun phrase, a number modifying the head of quantifier phrase, or a hyphenated word (or a preposition modifying the head of the prepositional phrase).


A particle (prt) is a preposition in a phrasal verb that forms a verb-particle construction.

Case marker

A case marker (case) is either a possessive marker, ...


A marker (mark) is either a subordinating conjunction (e.g., although, because, while) that introduces an adverbial clause modifier, or a subordinating conjunction, if, that, or whether, that introduces a clausal complement.


Unclassified dependent

An unclassified dependent (dep) is a dependent that does not satisfy conditions for any other dependency.

Meta modifier

A meta modifier (meta) is code (1), embedded (2), or meta (3) information that is randomly inserted in a phrase or clause.

Parenthetical modifier

A parenthetical modifier (parataxis) is an embedded chunk, often but not necessarily surrounded by parenthetical notations (e.g., brackets, quotes, commas, etc.), which gives side information to its head.


Any punctuation (punct) is assigned the dependency label PUNCT.


A root (root) is the root of a tree that does not depend on any node in the tree but the artificial root node.