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Releases: checkstyle/checkstyle


01 Apr 02:57
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Checkstyle 10.15.0 -

Breaking backward compatibility:

#14615 - fix ordering of AST under STRING_TEMPLATE_BEGIN and remove empty STRING_TEMPLATE_CONTENT nodes


#11340 - Add ignoreMethodAnnotatedBy property to ParameterNumberCheck

Bug fixes:

#11230 - FallThrough check false positive with labelled break
#3110 - some messages are still hardcoded in english

Other Changes:
Enforce new naming convention "InputXpath{Checkname}" in IT area
Wrap `assertThrows` with `getExpectedThrowable` method.
Expand XPath IT Regression Testing
Enforce input naming convention in IT
Remove '//ok' comments from Input files
Enable examples tests
Resolve Pitest Suppression in Pitest-Javadoc Profile
update to new format of AST print
Resolve CheckerFramework violations
Use module properties macro in all templates


16 Mar 23:59
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Checkstyle 10.14.2 -

Bug fixes:

#14123 - Transitive dependency rejection after Guava upgrade to 32.1.3-jre
#14502 - GenericWhitespaceCheck: Handling of whitespace between generic and record header
#12600 - JavadocStyle doesn't work with inline ``@return

Other Changes:
Refactor AbstractModuleTestSupport and InlineConfigParser to support XML configs in Input files without extra detalization on modules
Enable examples tests
Expand XPath IT Regression Testing
Resolve Pitest Suppression in Pitest-Javadoc Profile
update to new format of AST print
spelling: Some traditional Chinese characters were changed to simplified Chinese
Cover pitest survivals with tests


11 Mar 13:05
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Checkstyle 10.14.1 -

Bug fixes:

#14566 - Performance regression from 10.12.4 to 10.13.0
#12020 - False positive in RightCurly with 'alone_or_singleline' RightCurlyOption in try/catch
#3110 - some messages are still hardcoded in english
#13309 - False positive error from JavadocType with record
#3502 - VariableDeclarationUsageDistance: no violation to move variables closer to block

Other Changes:
Enable examples tests
Expand XPath IT Regression Testing
Remove '//ok' comments from Input files
Rename Java Input files and test methods to specify Test functionality
update to new format of AST print
doc: Updated description and docs of TextBlock
inconsistent documentation for TEXT_BLOCK_abc token types
Excludes for createTempFile forbidden method
doc: Update TokenTypes link to be more specific
update to new format of AST print
Update Tests to use new 'verifyXxxxxx' method or 'execute' that use inlined config in Input files
AbstractXpathTestSupport does not support generating multiple xpath suppressions
move AllBlockCommentTest and AllSinglelineCommentsTest to AST Tests
doc: fix line length violation in releasenotes.xml


28 Feb 14:24
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Checkstyle 10.14.0 -


#13988 - Checkstyle fails to parse unnamed variable

Bug fixes:

#14344 - GenericWhitespace Check ignores exception to the ">" rule for succeeding whitespaces

Other Changes:
Remove '//ok' comments from Input files
Update Codenarc to highest compatible release - v2.2.0
Remove UnmodifiableCollectionUtil and use pitest funmodifiablecollection feature
Enable checks from Error Prone Support
Cover pitest survivals with tests
improve text block grammar
checker-framework.yml should be able to fail execution if report generation is failed
upadat example in javadoc for EMBEDDED_EXPRESSION* tokens
doc: mention text block suppression
Rename Java Input files and test methods to specify Test functionality
infra: should use release 11 for compilation
Resolve Pitest Suppression in Pitest-Javadoc Profile
Enable examples tests
Execute all checkstyle samples in each PR execution
Update Tests to use new 'verifyXxxxxx' method or 'execute' that use inlined config in Input files
Expand XPath IT Regression Testing
Forbid Files.createTempDirectory in Checkstyle and replace with `@`TempDir
Enforce file size on Java inputs
Resolve CheckerFramework violations
Expanding maxmem to resolve OOM Exception (Checker checks)
doc: fix releasenotes.xml line length violation


28 Jan 14:39
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Checkstyle 10.13.0 -


#14289 - IllegalTokenText support for STRING_TEMPLATE_CONTENT
#13830 - Support Java 21 string template syntax

Bug fixes:

#12238 - "Unable to persist cache file" if target directory is a symlink

Other Changes:
Enforce file size on Java inputs
Enable checks from Error Prone Support
Enable examples tests
Remove '//ok' comments from Input files
Expand XPath IT Regression Testing
Resolve Pitest Suppression in Pitest-Javadoc Profile
CustomImportOrder property 'customImportOrderRules' should be String[]
PropertyCacheFileTest Failing: 3 Test Methods Failing Along With testSymbolicLinkResolution() Causing Issue
Update Tests to use new 'verifyXxxxxx' method or 'execute' that use inlined config in Input files
Use module properties macro in all templates
Make Checkstyle an (automatic) module


31 Dec 14:31
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Checkstyle 10.12.7 -

Bug fixes:

#14068 - False positive in MissingSwitchDefault for switch statement where null label is present
#14028 - HiddenField false positive on inner records
#3132 - Indentation: split line new array not checked

Other Changes:
Use module properties macro in all templates
Resolve Pitest Suppression in Pitest-Javadoc Profile
Enable checks from Error Prone Support
Update Tests to use new 'verifyXxxxxx' method or 'execute' that use inlined config in Input files
Add support to our Inputs for lines with multiple violations
Enable examples tests
Enforce file size on Java inputs
Transitive dependency rejection after Guava upgrade to 32.1.3-jre
Remove '//ok' comments from Input files
Cover pitest survivals with tests
Expand XPath IT Regression Testing
File name too long error
Update CI to have Maven Version 3.8.8, update min required maven version in pom to 3.6.3


07 Dec 05:37
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Checkstyle 10.12.6 -

Bug fixes:

#14064 - Regexp: violation pointing to line 0 while other Checks count first line as 1

Other Changes:
Resolve CheckerFramework violations
Resolve Pitest Suppression in Pitest-Javadoc Profile
Update Tests to use new 'verifyXxxxxx' method or 'execute' that use inlined config in Input files
Test inputs should be completely standalone.
Expand XPath IT Regression Testing
Update CI to have Maven Version 3.8.8, update min required maven version in pom to 3.5.4
Fix typo in Indentation check for word 'initialisation'
Remove ArchUnit FreezingArchRule as it unstable to skip line numbers and any other extra changes
Enable examples tests
use valid SPDX license identifier
Cover pitest survivals with tests
Re-enable ArchUnit Testing
Surefire test exclusion can cause NoClassDefFoundError on case-insensitive file system
migrate SuppressWarningsHolder to use property macro
Use module properties macro in all templates
doc: add direct link to check
Resolve pitest survivals in modules - 4
Migrate magicnumber.xml.template to use properties template


14 Nov 13:31
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Checkstyle 10.12.5 -

Bug fixes:

#14014 - Indentation: Switch expression doesn't pass with LeftCurlies on newlines

Other Changes:
Resolve pitest survivals in modules - 5
Resolve pitest survivals in modules - 2
Since version is determined incorrectly by property macros at returncount.xml.template
Resolve Pitest Suppression in Pitest-Javadoc Profile
Enable examples tests
Expand XPath IT Regression Testing
doc: Added reference to the Checkstyle extension for bld
Migrate illegaltype.xml.template to use properties template
Specify violation messages in input files
Migrate multiplestringliterals.xml.template to use properties template
Run regression testing in CI over openjdk21
Remove call to Lexer#removeErrorListeners
Migrate DescendantToken to properties macros
Test inputs should be completely standalone.
Update Javadoc checks to avoid // violation in Javadoc comments
Targeted Pitest Mutation in July 2023
create validation of git status on Windows environments
Improve XdocGenerator to generate file in temp folder and replace xdoc only on success
Enforce Linux Style End-of-Line (LF instead of CRLF) in all XML files for windows environment.
migrate FinalLocalVariable xdoc to use property macro
Use module properties macro in all templates
SpotBugs: checks a map with containsKey(), before using get()
migrate IllegalToken to properties macros
Fix typo in Indentation check for word 'initialisation'
infra: do not allow in-progress site action to be cancelled by skipped run
Resolve pitest for FinalLocalVariableCheck
MacroExecutionException: TypecastParenPadCheck: Failed to find setter javadoc for property 'option'
Remove '//ok' comments from Input files
migrate to property macros IllegalTokenText
Enforce file size on Java inputs
False Positive and Negative in SummaryJavaDocCheck
infra: actionlint bad yaml
Infra: enable dependabot for github actions
'javadoc.unclosedHtml' message is not present in documentation for most Javadoc Checks
Use violation messages macro in all templates
.vscode folder must be added to .gitignore to avoid getting tracked by git.
Convert Parent Modules to Macro
Resolve pitest survivals in modules - 4
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated.
Document ability to use whitespace in array configuration properties
Create a Checkstyle module to enforce comment formatting in input files


02 Oct 00:36
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Checkstyle 10.12.4 -

Bug fixes:

#13745 - MissingDeprecated shows unclear message on not closed html tag

Other Changes:
Resolve pitest survivals in modules - 5
Resolve pitest survivals in modules - 4
Assert that properties are ordered alphabetically in xdoc
Enable examples tests
Test inputs should be completely standalone.
Remove '//ok' comments from Input files
Surviving pitest mutations for conditions reducing time complexity at PackageObjectFactory
Extend `` to not include deleted pages in comments
Order properties alphabetically in xdocs and javadocs
Add Examples Macro Support to All Checks
Fix Pitest script to recognize unstable mutations
Resolve pitest survivals in modules - 3
Targeted Pitest Mutation in July 2023
Create checks to place violations on missing macros in templates
Use module properties macro in all templates
Update Violation Message in Input files for FallThroughCheck
Simplify requirement for what we consider a setter method in ClassAndPropertiesSettersJavadocScraper
NonEmptyAtclauseDescription examples are cut in website
Move CheckUtil#isGetterMethod and CheckUtil#isSetterMethod to MissingJavadocMethodCheck
Implement module properties macro
Get rid of module javadoc examples
Fix existing cases of `getFileContents()` usage
Create tests from xdoc examples


28 Aug 04:11
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Checkstyle 10.12.3 -

Bug fixes:

#13411 - UnnecessarySemicolonAfterTypeMemberDeclaration throws Exception on on Local Class
#13279 - Record pattern causes checkstyle to fail in JDK 20 (preview)

Other Changes:
Ensure only forward slashes are in relative link to parent module
Resolve pitest survivals in modules - 3
Use violation messages macro in all templates
Use parent module macro in all templates
Create tests from xdoc examples
Resolve pitest survivals in modules - 2
setup UnnecessaryOkComment module and suppressions (related to…
CircleCI periodically failing with yml violations on site.yml
Enable examples tests
Update doc of FallThroughCheck to use same java snippet example
Create templates from xdocs
Exclude xdocs from line length validation and validate templates instead
Remove from EmptyLineSeparator documentation attention note about no xpath suppression support
Implement parent module macro
Add a test to ensure examples have a paragraph with an id before them
Restore usage of TreeSet
Implement module violation messages macro
Targeted Pitest Mutation in July 2023
Move all example tests to extend `AbstractExamplesModuleTestSupport`
Add ``@`since` in javadoc of each property setter
Add links to examples paragraphs
Fix package/resource location in example tests