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Allocation-free move-only alternative to std::function for C++17.

Getting Started

The library is header-only. To use it, clone the repo somewhere and add the include directory to your include path.

If you're using CMake, use the FetchContent module.

    GIT_TAG main

target_link_libraries(my_target PUBLIC avakar::small_function)


Include <avakar/small_function.h> and you're good to go.

#include <avakar/small_function.h>
using avakar::small_function;

void get_answer(small_function<void(int)> fn)
    if (fn)

int main()
    get_answer([](int x) {
        // ...

You mustn't invoke small_function while it's empty. Default constructor will construct an empty object. The object contextually converts to bool indicating whether it's non-empty.

By default, small_function objects are large enough to contain a function pointer or a lambda with at most one captured pointer.

small_function<void()> a = [this] {}; // ok, only one capture
small_function<void()> b = [this, x] {}; // error, lambda too large
small_function<void()> c = &abort; // ok, plain function pointer

You can adjust the size and alignment of the internal storage.

my_overaligned_type o; // assume sizeof(o) == 32, alignof(o) == 16
small_function<void()> a = [o]{}; // error, lambda too large
small_function<void(), 32, 8> b = [o]{}; // error, after alignment the lambda is too large
small_function<void(), 32, 16> c = [o]{}; // ok
small_function<void(), 40, 8> d = [o]{}; // ok, even after alignment the lambda will fit

Zero-sized storage is allowed. Non-capturing lambdas will fit in those, but function pointers won't.

small_function<void(), 0> a = []{}; // ok, zero-sized lambda
small_function<void(), 0> b = [this]{}; // error, lambda too large
small_function<void(), 0> c = &abort; // error, function pointer too large

Template parameters can be deduced automatically from an initializer.

small_function a = [] { return 42; };
// decltype(a) == small_function<int(), 0, 1>

small_function b = [this] { return 42; };
// decltype(b) == small_function<int(), 8, 8>

The function type can include noexcept.

small_function<void() noexcept> a = []{}; // error, lambda is not noexcept
small_function<void() noexcept> b = []() noexcept {}; // ok
small_function<void()> c = std::move(b); // ok
small_function<void() noexcept> d = std::move(c); // error, weakening exception specification


template <typename R, typename... An, bool ne, size_t size, size_t align>
struct small_function<R(An...) noexcept(ne), size, align>
    // Creates the `small_function` object with an empty state.
    // Such object will be falsy and its `operator()` must not be invoked.
    small_function() noexcept;
    // Creates the `small_function` object containing `f`.
    // This constructor only contributes to the overload set if
    // * `f` fits in the storage (see below),
    // * `f(an...)` is convertible to `R`, and
    // * either `noexcept(f(an...))` or `!ne`.
    // The resulting object will be truthy.
    template <typename F>
    small_function(F f) noexcept;

    // Indicates whether the object is non-empty.
    explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

    // Invokes the contained function object.
    // Behavior is undefined if `this` is empty.
    R operator()(An &&... an) noexcept(ne)

    small_function(small_function && o) noexcept;
    small_function & operator=(small_function o) noexcept;

An object fits in a storage if the size of the storage is sufficient for both the object and the maximum padding for alignment. The object might have to be padded by as many as alignof(obj) - alignof(storage) bytes.


Allocation-free move-only alternative to std::function for C++17




