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Advanced Usage

Alamofire is built on top of URLSession and the Foundation URL Loading System. To make the most of this framework, it is recommended that you be familiar with the concepts and capabilities of the underlying networking stack.

Recommended Reading


Alamofire’s Session is roughly equivalent in responsibility to the URLSession instance it maintains: it provides API to produce the various Request subclasses encapsulating different URLSessionTask subclasses, as well as encapsulating a variety of configuration applied to all Requests produced by the instance.

Session provides a default singleton instance which powers the top-level API from the AF enum namespace. As such, the following two statements are equivalent:

let session = Session.default

Creating Custom Session Instances

Most applications will need to customize the behavior of their Session instances in a variety of ways. The easiest way to accomplish this is to use the following convenience initializer and store the result in a singleton used throughout the app.

public convenience init(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration =,
                        delegate: SessionDelegate = SessionDelegate(),
                        rootQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.alamofire.session.rootQueue"),
                        startRequestsImmediately: Bool = true,
                        requestQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
                        serializationQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
                        interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
                        serverTrustManager: ServerTrustManager? = nil,
                        redirectHandler: RedirectHandler? = nil,
                        cachedResponseHandler: CachedResponseHandler? = nil,
                        eventMonitors: [EventMonitor] = [])

This initializer allows the customization of all fundamental Session behaviors.

Creating a Session With a URLSessionConfiguration

To customize the behavior of the underlying URLSession, a customized URLSessionConfiguration instance can be provided. Starting from the instance is recommended, as it adds the default Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, and User-Agent headers provided by Alamofire, but any URLSessionConfiguration can be used.

let configuration =
configuration.allowsCellularAccess = false

let session = Session(configuration: configuration)

URLSessionConfiguration is not the recommended location to set Authorization or Content-Type headers. Instead, add them to Requests using the provided headers APIs, using ParameterEncoders, or a RequestAdapter.

As Apple states in their documentation, mutating URLSessionConfiguration properties after the instance has been added to a URLSession (or, in Alamofire’s case, used to initialize aSession) has no effect.


A SessionDelegate instance encapsulates all handling of the various URLSessionDelegate and related protocols callbacks. SessionDelegate also acts as the SessionStateProvider for every Request produced by Alamofire, allowing the Request to indirectly import state from the Session instance that created them. SessionDelegate can be customized with a specific FileManager instance, which will be used for any disk access, like accessing files to be uploaded by UploadRequests or files downloaded by DownloadRequests.

let delegate = SessionDelegate(fileManager: .default)


By default, Session will call resume() on a Request as soon as it has added at least one response handler. Setting startRequestsImmediately to false requires that all Requests have resume() called manually.

let session = Session(startRequestsImmediately: false)

A Session’s DispatchQueues

By default, Session instances use a single DispatchQueue for all asynchronous work. This includes the underlyingQueue of the URLSession’s delegate OperationQueue, for all URLRequest creation, all response serialization work, and all internal Session and Request state mutation. If performance analysis shows a particular bottleneck around URLRequest creation or response serialization, Session can be provided with separate DispatchQueues for each area of work.

let rootQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
let requestQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
let serializationQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")

let session = Session(rootQueue: rootQueue,
                      requestQueue: requestQueue,
                      serializationQueue: serializationQueue)

Any custom rootQueue provided MUST be a serial queue, but requestQueue and serializationQueue can be either serial or parallel queues. Serial queues are the recommended default unless performance analysis shows work being delayed, in which case making the queues parallel may help overall performance.

Adding a RequestInterceptor

Alamofire’s RequestInterceptor protocol (RequestAdapter & RequestRetrier) provides important and powerful request adaptation and retry features. It can be applied at both the Session and Request level. For more details on RequestInterceptor and the various implementations Alamofire includes, like RetryPolicy, see below.

let policy = RetryPolicy()
let session = Session(interceptor: policy)

Adding a ServerTrustManager

For projects deploying to iOS 14, tvOS 14, watchOS 7, or macOS 11 or later, Apple now provides built in pinning capabilities configurable in your app's Info.plist. Please use that capability before implementing your own using Alamofire.

Alamofire’s ServerTrustManager class encapsulates mappings between domains and instances of ServerTrustEvaluating-conforming types, which provide the ability to customize a Session’s handling of TLS security. This includes the use of certificate and public key pinning as well as certificate revocation checking. For more information, see the section about the ServerTrustManager and ServerTrustEvaluating. Initializing a ServerTrustManager is as simple as providing a mapping between the domain and the type of evaluation to be performed:

let manager = ServerTrustManager(evaluators: ["": PinnedCertificatesTrustEvaluator()])
let session = Session(serverTrustManager: manager)

For more details on evaluating server trusts, see the detailed documentation below.

Adding a RedirectHandler

Alamofire’s RedirectHandler protocol customizes the handling of HTTP redirect responses. It can be applied at both the Session and Request level. Alamofire includes the Redirector type which conforms to RedirectHandler and offers simple control over redirects. For more details on RedirectHandler, see the detailed documentation below.

let redirector = Redirector(behavior: .follow)
let session = Session(redirectHandler: redirector)

Adding a CachedResponseHandler

Alamofire’s CachedResponseHandler protocol customizes the caching of responses and can be applied at both the Session and Request level. Alamofire includes the ResponseCacher type which conforms to CachedResponseHandler and offers simple control over response caching. For more details, see the detailed documentation below.

let cacher = ResponseCacher(behavior: .cache)
let session = Session(cachedResponseHandler: cacher)

Adding EventMonitors

Alamofire’s EventMonitor protocol provides powerful insight into Alamofire’s internal events. It can be used to provide logging and other event-based features. Session accepts an array of EventMonitor-conforming instances at initialization time.

let monitor = ClosureEventMonitor()
monitor.requestDidCompleteTaskWithError = { (request, task, error) in
let session = Session(eventMonitors: [monitor])

Operating on All Requests

Although use should be rare, Session provides the withAllRequests method to operate on all currently active Requests. This work is performed on the Session's rootQueue, so it's important to keep it quick. If the work may take some time, creating a separate queue to process the Set of Requests should be used.

let session = ... // Some Session.
session.withAllRequests { requests in
    requests.forEach { $0.suspend() }

Additionally, Session offers a convenience method to cancel all Requests and call a completion handler when complete.

let session = ... // Some Session.
session.cancelAllRequests(completingOn: .main) { // completingOn uses .main by default.
    print("Cancelled all requests.")

Note: These actions are performed asynchronously, so requests may be created or have finished by the time it's actually run, so it should not be assumed the action will be performed on a particular set of Requests.

Creating Instances From URLSessions

In addition to the convenience initializer mentioned previously, Sessions can be initialized directly from URLSessions. However, there are several requirements to keep in mind when using this initializer, so using the convenience initializer is recommended. These include:

  • Alamofire does not support URLSessions configured for background use. This will lead to a runtime error when the Session is initialized.
  • A SessionDelegate instance must be created and used as the URLSession’s delegate, as well as passed to the Session initializer.
  • A custom OperationQueue must be passed as the URLSession’s delegateQueue. This queue must be a serial queue, it must have a backing DispatchQueue, and that DispatchQueue must be passed to the Session as its rootQueue.
let rootQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.alamofire.customQueue")
let queue = OperationQueue()
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
queue.underlyingQueue = rootQueue
let delegate = SessionDelegate()
let configuration =
let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: configuration,
                            delegate: delegate,
                            delegateQueue: queue)
let session = Session(session: urlSession, delegate: delegate, rootQueue: rootQueue)


Each request performed by Alamofire is encapsulated by particular class, DataRequest, UploadRequest, and DownloadRequest. Each of these classes encapsulate functionality unique to each type of request, but DataRequest and DownloadRequest inherit from a common superclass, Request (UploadRequest inherits from DataRequest). Request instances are never created directly, but are instead vended from a Session instance through one of the various request methods.

The Request Pipeline

Once a Request subclass has been created with it’s initial parameters or URLRequestConvertible value, it is passed through the series of steps making up Alamofire’s request pipeline. For a successful request, these include:

  1. Initial parameters, like HTTP method, headers, and parameters are encapsulated into an internal URLRequestConvertible value. If a URLRequestConvertible value is passed directly, that value is used unchanged.
  2. asURLRequest() is called on the the URLRequestConvertible value, creating the first URLRequest value. This value is passed to the Request and stored in requests. If the URLRequestConvertible value was created from the parameters passed to a Session method, any provided RequestModifier is called when the URLRequest is created.
  3. If there are any Session or Request RequestAdapters or RequestInterceptors, they’re called using the previously created URLRequest. The adapted URLRequest is then passed to the Request and stored in requests as well.
  4. Session calls the Request to create the URLSessionTask to perform the network request based on the URLRequest.
  5. Once the URLSessionTask is complete and URLSessionTaskMetrics have been gathered, the Request executes its Validators.
  6. Request executes any response handlers, such as responseDecodable, that have been appended.

At any one of these steps, a failure can be indicated through a created or received Error value, which is then passed to the associated Request. For example, aside from steps 1 and 4, all of the steps above can create an Error which is then passed to the response handlers or available for retry. Here are a few examples of what can or cannot fail throughout the Request pipeline.

  1. Parameter encapsulation cannot fail.
  2. Any URLRequestConvertible value can create an error when asURLRequest() is called. This allows for the initial validation of various URLRequest properties or the failure of parameter encoding.
  3. RequestAdapters can fail during adaptation, perhaps due to a missing authorization token.
  4. URLSessionTask creation cannot fail.
  5. URLSessionTasks can complete with errors for a variety of reasons, including network availability and cancellation. These Error values are passed back to the Request.
  6. Response handlers can produce any Error, usually due to an invalid response or other parsing error.

Once an error is passed to the Request, the Request will attempt to run any RequestRetriers associated with the Session or Request. If any RequestRetriers choose to retry the Request, the complete pipeline is run again. RequestRetriers can also produce Errors, which do not trigger retry.


Although Request doesn’t encapsulate any particular type of request, it contains the state and functionality common to all requests Alamofire performs. This includes:


All Request types include the notion of state, indicating the major events in the Request’s lifetime.

public enum State {
    case initialized
    case resumed
    case suspended
    case cancelled
    case finished

Requests start in the .initialized state after their creation. Requests can be suspended, resumed, and cancelled by calling the appropriate lifetime method.

  • resume() resumes, or starts, a Request’s network traffic. If startRequestsImmediately is true, this is called automatically once a response handler has been added to the Request.
  • suspend() suspends, or pauses the Request and its network traffic. Requests in this state can be resumed, but only DownloadRequests may be able continue transferring data. Other Requests will start over.
  • cancel() cancels a Request. Once in this state, a Request cannot be resumed or suspended. When cancel() is called, the Request’s error property will be set with an AFError.explicitlyCancelled instance. If a Request is resumed and isn’t later cancelled, it will reach the .finished state once all response validators and response serializers have been run. However, if additional response serializers are added to the Request after it has reached the .finished state, it will transition back to the .resumed state and perform the network request again.


In order to track the progress of a request, Request offers a both uploadProgress and downloadProgress properties as well as closure-based uploadProgress and downloadProgress methods. Like all closure-based Request APIs, the progress APIs can be chained off of the Request with other methods. Also like the other closure-based APIs, they should be added to a request before adding any response handlers, like responseDecodable.

    .uploadProgress { progress in
    .downloadProgress { progress in
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Importantly, not all Request subclasses are able to report their progress accurately, or may have other dependencies to do so.

  • For upload progress, progress can be determined in the following ways:
    • By the length of the Data object provided as the upload body to an UploadRequest.
    • By the length of a file on disk provided as the upload body of an UploadRequest.
    • By the value of the Content-Length header on the request, if it has been manually set.
  • For download progress, there is a single requirement: - The server response must contain a Content-Length header. Unfortunately there may be other, undocumented requirements for progress reporting from URLSession which prevents accurate progress reporting.

Handling Redirects

Alamofire’s RedirectHandler protocol provides control and customization of redirect handling for Request. In addition to per-Session RedirectHandlers, each Request can be given its own RedirectHandler which overrides any provided by the Session.

let redirector = Redirector(behavior: .follow)
    .redirect(using: redirector)
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Note: Only one RedirectHandler can be set on a Request. Attempting to set more than one will result in a runtime exception.

Customizing Caching

Alamofire’s CachedResponseHandler protocol provides control and customization over the caching of responses. In addition to per-Session CachedResponseHandlers, each Request can be given its own CachedResponseHandler which overrides any provided by the Session.

let cacher = ResponseCacher(behavior: .cache)
    .cacheResponse(using: cacher)
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Note: Only one CachedResponseHandler can be set on a Request. Attempting to set more than one will result in a runtime exception.


In order to take advantage of the automatic credential handling provided by URLSession, Alamofire provides per-Request API to allow the automatic addition of URLCredential instances to requests. These include both convenience API for HTTP authentication using a username and password, as well as any URLCredential instance.

Adding a credential to automatically reply to any HTTP authentication challenge is straightforward:

    .authenticate(username: "user@example.domain", password: "password")
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Note: This mechanism only supports HTTP authentication prompts. If a request requires an Authentication header for all requests, it should be provided directly, either as part of the Request, or through a RequestInterceptor.

Additionally, adding a raw URLCredential is just as easy:

let credential = URLCredential(...)
    .authenticate(using: credential)
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Lifetime Values

Alamofire creates a variety of underlying values throughout the lifetime of a Request. Most of these are internal implementation details, but the creation of URLRequests and URLSessionTasks are exposed to allow for direct interaction with other APIs.

A Request’s URLRequests

Each network request issued by a Request is ultimately encapsulated in a URLRequest value created from the various parameters passed to one of the Session request methods. Request will keep a copy of these URLRequests in its requests array property. These values include both the initial URLRequest created from the passed parameters, as well any URLRequests created by RequestInterceptors. That array does not, however, include the URLRequests performed by the URLSessionTasks issued on behalf of the Request. To inspect those values, the tasks property gives access to all of the URLSessionTasks performed by the Request.

In addition to accumulating these values, every Request has an onURLRequestCreation method which calls a closure whenever a URLRequest is created for the Request. This URLRequest is the product of the initial parameters passed to the Session's request method, as well as changes applied by any RequestInterceptors. It will be called multiple times if the Request is retried and only one closure can be set at a time. URLRequest values cannot be modified in this closure; if you need to modify URLRequests before they're issued, use a RequestInterceptor or compose your requests using the URLRequestConvertible protocol before passing them to Alamofire.

    .onURLRequestCreation { request in
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

In many ways, the various Request subclasses act as a wrapper for a URLSessionTask and present specific API for interacting with the different types of tasks. These tasks are made visible on the Request instance through the tasks array property. This includes both the initial task created for the Request, as well as any subsequent tasks created as part of the retry process, with one task per retry.

In addition to accumulating these values, every Request has an onURLSessionTaskCreation method which calls a closure whenever a URLSessionTask is created for the Request. This closure will be called multiple times if the Request is retried and only one closure can be set at a time. The provided URLSessionTask *SHOULD NOT* be used to interact with the task's lifetime, which should only be done by the Request itself. Instead, you can use this method to provide the Request's active task to other APIs, like NSFileProvider.

    .onURLSessionTaskCreation { task in
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in


Alamofire receives HTTPURLResponse values from its underlying URLSession as the session starts the connection to the server. These values can be received in an onHTTPResponse closure and used to determine whether the request should continue or be cancelled. Both DataRequest / UploadRequest and DataStreamRequest provide these hooks.

In the case of DataStreamRequest, this event can be used in conjunction with the stream handlers to parse HTTPURLResponses as part of the stream handling. To guarantee proper event ordering in that case, ensure the same DispatchQueue is used for both APIs. By default both APIs use .main for the completion handler, so this should only be a concern if you customize the queue used in either case.

In the case of multiple .onHTTPResponse calls on a request, only the last one will be called.

In it's simplest form onHTTPResponse simply provides the HTTPURLResponse value.

    .onHTTPResponse { response in

If control over the future of the request is desired, a completion handler value is provided which returns a Request.ResponseDisposition value.

    .onHTTPResponse { response, completionHandler in

The completionHandler MUST be called otherwise the request will hang until it times out.

The completionHandler can also be used to cancel the request. This acts much like cancel() being called on the request itself.

    .onHTTPResponse { response, completionHandler in

Additionally, there are forms of both versions of onHTTPResponse available which provide async closures, allowing the use of await in the body. These versions are available on Swift 5.7 and above.

    .onHTTPResponse { response in
        await someAsyncMethod()
        return .allow

Finally, an async stream of HTTPURLResponse values can also be used.

let responses = AF.request(...).httpResponses()

for await response in responses {


Alamofire gathers URLSessionTaskMetrics values for every URLSessionTask performed for a Request. These values are available in the metrics property, with each value corresponding to the URLSessionTask in tasks at the same index.

URLSessionTaskMetrics are also made available on Alamofire’s various response types, like DataResponse. For instance:

    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in {

Due to FB7624529, collection of URLSessionTaskMetrics on watchOS < 7 is currently disabled.


DataRequest is a subclass of Request which encapsulates a URLSessionDataTask downloading a server response into Data stored in memory. Therefore, it’s important to realize that extremely large downloads may adversely affect system performance. For those types of downloads, using DownloadRequest to save the data to disk is recommended.

Additional State

DataRequests have a few properties in addition to those provided by Request. These include data, which is the accumulated Data from the server response, and convertible, which is the URLRequestConvertible the DataRequest was created with, containing the original parameters creating the instance.


DataRequests do not validate responses by default. Instead, a call to validate() must be added to the request in order to verify various properties are valid.

public typealias Validation = (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse, Data?) -> Result<Void, Error>

By default, adding validate() ensures the response status code is within the 200..<300 range and that the response’s Content-Type matches the request's Accept value. Validation can be further customized by passing a Validation closure:

    .validate { request, response, data in


DataStreamRequest is a subclass of Request which encapsulates a URLSessionDataTask and streams Data from an HTTP connection over time.

Additional State

DataStreamRequest contains no additional public state.


DataStreamRequests do not validate responses by default. Instead, a call to validate() must be added to the request in order to verify various properties are valid.

public typealias Validation = (_ request: URLRequest?, _ response: HTTPURLResponse) -> Result<Void, Error>

By default, adding validate() ensures the response status code is within the 200..<300 range and that the response’s Content-Type matches the request's Accept value. Validation can be further customized by passing a Validation closure:

    .validate { request, response in


UploadRequest is a subclass of DataRequest which encapsulates a URLSessionUploadTask, uploading a Data value, file on disk, or InputStream to a remote server.

Additional State

UploadRequests have a few properties in addition to those provided by DataRequest. These include a FileManager instance, used to customize access to disk when uploading a file, and upload, which encapsulates both the URLRequestConvertible value used to describe the request, as well as the Uploadable, which determines the type of upload being performed.


DownloadRequest is a concrete subclass of Request which encapsulates a URLSessionDownloadTask, downloading response Data to disk.

Additional State

DownloadRequests have a few properties in addition to those provided by Request. These include resumeData, the Data produced when cancelling a DownloadRequest, which may be used to resume the download later, and fileURL, the URL at which the downloaded file is available once the download completes.


In addition to supporting the cancel() method provided by Request, DownloadRequest includes cancel(producingResumeData shouldProduceResumeData: Bool), which optionally populates the resumeData property when cancelled, if possible, and cancel(byProducingResumeData completionHandler: @escaping (_ data: Data?) -> Void), which provides the produced resume data to the passed closure.
    .cancel { resumeData in


DownloadRequest supports a slightly different version of validation than DataRequest and UploadRequest, due to the fact it’s data is downloaded to disk.

public typealias Validation = (_ request: URLRequest?, _ response: HTTPURLResponse, _ fileURL: URL?)

Instead of accessing the downloaded Data directly it must be accessed using the fileURL provided. Otherwise, the capabilities of DownloadRequest’s validators are the same as DataRequest’s.

Adapting and Retrying Requests with RequestInterceptor

Alamofire’s RequestInterceptor protocol (composed of the RequestAdapter and RequestRetrier protocols) enables powerful per-Session and per-Request capabilities. These include authentication systems, where a common header is added to every Request and Requests are retried when authorization expires. Additionally, Alamofire includes a built in RetryPolicy type, which enables easy retry when requests fail due to a variety of common network errors.


Alamofire’s RequestAdapter protocol allows each URLRequest that’s to be performed by a Session to be inspected and mutated before being issued over the network. One very common use of an adapter is to add an Authorization header to requests behind a certain type of authentication.

The RequestAdapter protocol has one required method:

func adapt(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, for session: Session, completion: @escaping (Result<URLRequest, Error>) -> Void)

Its parameters include:

  • urlRequest: The URLRequest initially created from the parameters or URLRequestConvertible value used to create the Request.
  • session: The Session which created the Request for which the adapter is being called.
  • completion: The asynchronous completion handler that must be called to indicate the adapter is finished. It’s asynchronous nature enables RequestAdapters to access asynchronous resources from the network or disk before the Request is sent over the network. The Result provided to the completion closure can either return a .success value with the modified URLRequest value, or a .failure value with an associated Error which will then be used to fail the Request. For example, adding an Authorization header requires modifying the URLRequest and then calling the completion handler.
let accessToken: String

func adapt(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, for session: Session, completion: @escaping (Result<URLRequest, Error>) -> Void) {
    var urlRequest = urlRequest
    urlRequest.headers.add(.authorization(bearerToken: accessToken))


The RequestAdapter also contains a second method with a default protocol extension implementation to support backwards compatibility:

func adapt(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, using state: RequestAdapterState, completion: @escaping (Result<URLRequest, Error>) -> Void)

This second method uses a RequestAdapterState type to expose additional internal state beyond the first method including:

  • requestID: The UUID of the Request associated with the URLRequest to adapt.

This requestID is very useful when trying to map custom types associated with the original Request to perform custom operations inside the RequestAdapter.

This second method will become the new requirement in the next MAJOR version of Alamofire.


Alamofire’s RequestRetrier protocol allows a Request that encountered an Error while being executed to be retried. This includes Errors produced at any stage of Alamofire’s request pipeline.

RequestRetrier has a single requirement.

func retry(_ request: Request, for session: Session, dueTo error: Error, completion: @escaping (RetryResult) -> Void)

Its parameters include:

  • request: The Request which encountered an error.
  • session: The Session managing the Request.
  • error: The Error which triggered the retry attempt. Usually an AFError.
  • completion: The asynchronous completion handler that must be called to indicate whether the Request should be retried. It must be called with a RetryResult.

The RetryResult type represents the outcome of whatever logic is implemented in the RequestRetrier. It’s defined as:

/// Outcome of determination whether retry is necessary.
public enum RetryResult {
    /// Retry should be attempted immediately.
    case retry
    /// Retry should be attempted after the associated `TimeInterval`.
    case retryWithDelay(TimeInterval)
    /// Do not retry.
    case doNotRetry
    /// Do not retry due to the associated `Error`.
    case doNotRetryWithError(Error)

For example, Alamofire’s RetryPolicy type will automatically retry Requests that fail due to a network error of some kind, if the request is idempotent.

open func retry(_ request: Request, for session: Session, dueTo error: Error, completion: @escaping (RetryResult) -> Void) {
    if request.retryCount < retryLimit,
       let httpMethod = request.request?.method,
       shouldRetry(response: request.response, error: error) {
        let timeDelay = pow(Double(exponentialBackoffBase), Double(request.retryCount)) * exponentialBackoffScale
    } else {

Using Multiple RequestInterceptors

Alamofire supports the use of multiple RequestInterceptors at both the Session and Request levels through the use of the Interceptor type. Interceptors can be composed of adapter and retrier closures, a single combination of a RequestAdapter and RequestRetrier, or a combination of arrays of RequestAdapters, RequestRetriers, and RequestInterceptors.

let adapter = // Some RequestAdapter
let retrier = // Some RequestRetrier
let interceptor = // Some RequestInterceptor

let adapterAndRetrier = Interceptor(adapter: adapter, retrier: retrier)
let composite = Interceptor(interceptors: [adapterAndRetrier, interceptor])

When composed of multiple RequestAdapters, Interceptor will call each RequestAdapter in succession. If they all succeed, the final URLRequest out of the chain of RequestAdapters will be used to perform the request. If one fails, adaptation stops and the Request fails with the error returned. Similarly, when composed of multiple RequestRetriers, retries are executed in the same order as the retriers were added to the instance, until either all of them complete or one of them fails with an error.


Alamofire's AuthenticationInterceptor class is a RequestInterceptor designed to handle the queueing and threading complexity involved with authenticating requests. It leverages an injected Authenticator protocol that manages the lifecycle of the matching AuthenticationCredential. Here is a simple example of how an OAuthAuthenticator class could be implemented along with an OAuthCredential.


struct OAuthCredential: AuthenticationCredential {
    let accessToken: String
    let refreshToken: String
    let userID: String
    let expiration: Date

    // Require refresh if within 5 minutes of expiration
    var requiresRefresh: Bool { Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 60 * 5) > expiration }


class OAuthAuthenticator: Authenticator {
    func apply(_ credential: OAuthCredential, to urlRequest: inout URLRequest) {
        urlRequest.headers.add(.authorization(bearerToken: credential.accessToken))

    func refresh(_ credential: OAuthCredential,
                 for session: Session,
                 completion: @escaping (Result<OAuthCredential, Error>) -> Void) {
        // Refresh the credential using the refresh token...then call completion with the new credential.
        // The new credential will automatically be stored within the `AuthenticationInterceptor`. Future requests will
        // be authenticated using the `apply(_:to:)` method using the new credential.

    func didRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest,
                    with response: HTTPURLResponse,
                    failDueToAuthenticationError error: Error) -> Bool {
        // If authentication server CANNOT invalidate credentials, return `false`
        return false

        // If authentication server CAN invalidate credentials, then inspect the response matching against what the
        // authentication server returns as an authentication failure. This is generally a 401 along with a custom
        // header value.
        // return response.statusCode == 401

    func isRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, authenticatedWith credential: OAuthCredential) -> Bool {
        // If authentication server CANNOT invalidate credentials, return `true`
        return true

        // If authentication server CAN invalidate credentials, then compare the "Authorization" header value in the
        // `URLRequest` against the Bearer token generated with the access token of the `Credential`.
        // let bearerToken = HTTPHeader.authorization(bearerToken: credential.accessToken).value
        // return urlRequest.headers["Authorization"] == bearerToken


// Generally load from keychain if it exists
let credential = OAuthCredential(accessToken: "a0",
                                 refreshToken: "r0",
                                 userID: "u0",
                                 expiration: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 60 * 60))

// Create the interceptor
let authenticator = OAuthAuthenticator()
let interceptor = AuthenticationInterceptor(authenticator: authenticator,
                                            credential: credential)

// Execute requests with the interceptor
let session = Session()
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
session.request(urlRequest, interceptor: interceptor)

Compressing Request Body Data With DeflateRequestCompressor

When sending requests with very large bodies, such as large JSON objects (hundreds of KB or more, but not data that's already compressed, like images), it may be beneficial for performance and the user's data usage to compress outgoing request bodies. The DeflateRequestCompressor RequestInterceptor can be used to perform such compression using the deflate Content-Encoding.

Adding a compressor to a Request can be done like any other RequestInterceptor:

session.request(..., interceptor: .deflateCompressor)

If there are other uses of the Content-Encoding header in the request pipeline, it may be necessary to customize DeflateRequestCompressor's behavior when it encounters a request that already has such a header. In that case you can provide a DuplicateHeaderBehavior value to determine what should happen. By default DeflateRequestCompressor will produce a DuplicateHeaderError that will fail the request.

/// Type that determines the action taken when the `URLRequest` already has a `Content-Encoding` header.
public enum DuplicateHeaderBehavior {
    /// Throws a `DuplicateHeaderError`. The default.
    case error
    /// Replaces the existing header value with `deflate`.
    case replace
    /// Silently skips compression when the header exists.
    case skip

This value can be provided when creating a compressor:

session.request(..., interceptor: .deflateCompressor(duplicateHeaderBehavior: .replace))

Adding a compressor is only suggested for requests which are known to produce large body data, but the compressor can also be added Session instances directly. In that case the shouldCompressBodyData closure should be used to determine whether or not to apply compression. This would usually be based on the overall size of the body data.

let compressor = DeflateRequestCompressor { bodyData in
  bodyData.count > 100 * 1024 // Only compress when bodyData exceeds 100KB.

let session = Session(..., interceptor: compressor)

The most beneficial compression limit will be determined by the user's network capacity (if users are usually on 5G or wifi, request compression is less valuable) and typical device (audiences with older devices may be more impacted by compression), so testing should be done to determine whether compression is valuable and what the limit should be.


Using a secure HTTPS connection when communicating with servers and web services is an important step in securing sensitive data. By default, Alamofire receives the same automatic TLS certificate and certificate chain validation as URLSession. While this guarantees the certificate chain is valid, it does not prevent man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks or other potential vulnerabilities. In order to mitigate MITM attacks, applications dealing with sensitive customer data or financial information should use certificate or public key pinning provided by Alamofire’s ServerTrustEvaluating protocol.

Evaluating Server Trusts with ServerTrustManager and ServerTrustEvaluating


The ServerTrustEvaluating protocol provides a way to perform any sort of server trust evaluation. It has a single requirement:

func evaluate(_ trust: SecTrust, forHost host: String) throws

This method provides the SecTrust value and host String received from the underlying URLSession and provides the opportunity to perform various evaluations.

Alamofire includes many different types of trust evaluators, providing composable control over the evaluation process:

  • DefaultTrustEvaluator: Uses the default server trust evaluation while allowing you to control whether to validate the host provided by the challenge.
  • RevocationTrustEvaluator: Checks the status of the received certificate to ensure it hasn’t been revoked. This isn’t usually performed on every request due to the network request overhead it entails.
  • PinnedCertificatesTrustEvaluator: Uses the provided certificates to validate the server trust. The server trust is considered valid if one of the pinned certificates match one of the server certificates. This evaluator can also accept self-signed certificates.
  • PublicKeysTrustEvaluator: Uses the provided public keys to validate the server trust. The server trust is considered valid if one of the pinned public keys match one of the server certificate public keys.
  • CompositeTrustEvaluator: Evaluates an array of ServerTrustEvaluating values, only succeeding if all of them are successful. This type can be used to combine, for example, the RevocationTrustEvaluator and the PinnedCertificatesTrustEvaluator.
  • DisabledTrustEvaluator: This evaluator should only be used in debug scenarios as it disables all evaluation which in turn will always consider any server trust as valid. This evaluator should never be used in production environments!


The ServerTrustManager is responsible for storing an internal mapping of ServerTrustEvaluating values to a particular host. This allows Alamofire to evaluate each host with different evaluators.

let evaluators: [String: ServerTrustEvaluating] = [
    // By default, certificates included in the app bundle are pinned automatically.
    "": PinnedCertificatesTrustEvaluator(),
    // By default, public keys from certificates included in the app bundle are used automatically.
    "": PublicKeysTrustEvaluator(),

let manager = ServerTrustManager(evaluators: evaluators)

This ServerTrustManager will have the following behaviors:

  • will always use certificate pinning with default and host validation enabled , thus requiring the following criteria to be met in order to allow the TLS handshake to succeed:
    • Certificate chain must be valid.
    • Certificate chain must include one of the pinned certificates.
    • Challenge host must match the host in the certificate chain's leaf certificate.
  • will always use public key pinning with default and host validation enabled, thus requiring the following criteria to be met in order to allow the TLS handshake to succeed:
    • Certificate chain must be valid.
    • Certificate chain must include one of the pinned public keys.
    • Challenge host must match the host in the certificate chain's leaf certificate.
  • Requests to other hosts will produce an error, as ServerTrustManager requires all hosts to be evaluated by default.
Subclassing ServerTrustManager

If you find yourself needing more flexible server trust policy matching behavior (i.e. wildcard domains), then subclass the ServerTrustManager and override the serverTrustEvaluator(forHost:) method with your own custom implementation.

final class CustomServerTrustManager: ServerTrustManager {
    override func serverTrustEvaluator(forHost host: String) -> ServerTrustEvaluating? {
        var policy: ServerTrustPolicy?

        // Implement your custom domain matching behavior...

        return policy

App Transport Security

With the addition of App Transport Security (ATS) in iOS 9, it is possible that using a custom ServerTrustManager with several ServerTrustEvaluating objects will have no effect. If you continuously see CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9806) errors, you have probably run into this problem. Apple's ATS system overrides the entire challenge system unless you configure the ATS settings in your app's plist to disable enough of it to allow your app to evaluate the server trust. If you run into this problem (high probability with self-signed certificates), you can work around this issue by adding NSAppTransportSecurity overrides to your Info.plist. You can use the nscurl tool’s --ats-diagnostics option to perform a series of tests against a host to see which ATS overrides might be required.

Using Self-Signed Certificates with Local Networking

If you are attempting to connect to a server running on your localhost, and you are using self-signed certificates, you will need to add the following to your Info.plist.


According to Apple documentation, setting NSAllowsLocalNetworking to YES allows loading local resources without disabling ATS for the rest of your app.

Customizing Caching and Redirect Handling

URLSession allows the customization of caching and redirect behaviors using URLSessionDataDelegate and URLSessionTaskDelegate methods. Alamofire surfaces these customization points as the CachedResponseHandler and RedirectHandler protocols.


The CachedResponseHandler protocol allows control over the caching of HTTP responses into the URLCache instance associated with the Session making a request. The protocol has a single requirement:

func dataTask(_ task: URLSessionDataTask,
              willCacheResponse response: CachedURLResponse,
              completion: @escaping (CachedURLResponse?) -> Void)

As can be seen in the method signature, this control only applies to Requests that use an underlying URLSessionDataTask for network transfers, which include DataRequests and UploadRequests (since URLSessionUploadTask is a subclass of URLSessionDataTask). The conditions under which a response will be considered for caching are extensive, so it’s best to review the documentation of the URLSessionDataDelegate method urlSession(_:dataTask:willCacheResponse:completionHandler:). Once a response is considered for caching, there are variety of valuable manipulations that can be made:

  • Prevent caching the response altogether by returning a nil CachedURLResponse.
  • Modify the CachedURLResponse’s storagePolicy to change where the cached value should live.
  • Modify the underlying URLResponse directly, adding or removing values.
  • Modify the Data associated with the response, if any.

Alamofire includes the ResponseCacher type which conforms to CachedResponseHandler, making it easy to cache, not cache, or modify a response. ResponseCacher takes a Behavior value to control the caching behavior.

public enum Behavior {
    /// Stores the cached response in the cache.
    case cache
    /// Prevents the cached response from being stored in the cache.
    case doNotCache
    /// Modifies the cached response before storing it in the cache.
    case modify((URLSessionDataTask, CachedURLResponse) -> CachedURLResponse?)

ResponseCacher can be used on both a Session and Request basis, as outlined above.


The RedirectHandler protocol allows control over the redirect behavior of particular Requests. It has a single requirement:

func task(_ task: URLSessionTask,
          willBeRedirectedTo request: URLRequest,
          for response: HTTPURLResponse,
          completion: @escaping (URLRequest?) -> Void)

This method provides an opportunity to modify the redirected URLRequest or pass nil to disable the redirect entirely. Alamofire provides the Redirectortype which conforms to RedirectHandler, making it easy to follow, not follow, or modify a redirected request. Redirector takes a Behavior value to control the redirect behavior.

public enum Behavior {
    /// Follow the redirect as defined in the response.
    case follow
    /// Do not follow the redirect defined in the response.
    case doNotFollow
    /// Modify the redirect request defined in the response.
    case modify((URLSessionTask, URLRequest, HTTPURLResponse) -> URLRequest?)

Redirector can be used on both a Session and Request basis, as outlined above.

Using EventMonitors

The EventMonitor protocol allows the observation and inspection of a large number of internal Alamofire events. These include all URLSessionDelegate, URLSessionTaskDelegate, and URLSessionDownloadDelegate methods implemented by Alamofire as well as a large number of internal Request events. In addition to these events, which by default are an empty method that does no work, the EventMonitor protocol also requires a DispatchQueue on which all the events are dispatched in order to maintain performance. This DispatchQueue defaults to .main, but dedicated serial queues are recommended for any custom conforming types.


Perhaps the biggest use of the EventMonitor protocol is to implement the logging of relevant events. A simple implementation may look something like this:

final class Logger: EventMonitor {
    let queue = DispatchQueue(label: ...)

    // Event called when any type of Request is resumed.
    func requestDidResume(_ request: Request) {
        print("Resuming: \(request)")

    // Event called whenever a DataRequest has parsed a response.
    func request<Value>(_ request: DataRequest, didParseResponse response: DataResponse<Value, AFError>) {
        debugPrint("Finished: \(response)")

This Logger type can be added to a Session in the same way demonstrated above:

let logger = Logger()
let session = Session(eventMonitors: [logger])

Making Requests

As a framework, Alamofire has two main goals:

  1. To enable the easy implementation of network requests for prototypes and tools
  2. To serve as the generic foundation of app networking

It accomplishes these goals through the use of powerful abstractions, providing useful defaults, and included implementations of common tasks. However, once use of Alamofire has gone beyond a few requests, it’s necessary to move beyond the high level, default implementations into behavior customized for particular applications. Alamofire provides the URLConvertible and URLRequestConvertible protocols to help with this customization.


Types adopting the URLConvertible protocol can be used to construct URLs, which are then used to construct URL requests internally. String, URL, and URLComponents conform to URLConvertible by default, allowing any of them to be passed as url parameters to the request, upload, and download methods:

let urlString = ""

let url = URL(string: urlString)!

let urlComponents = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true)!

Applications interacting with web applications in a significant manner are encouraged to have custom types conform to URLConvertible as a convenient way to map domain-specific models to server resources.


Types adopting the URLRequestConvertible protocol can be used to construct URLRequests. URLRequest conforms to URLRequestConvertible by default, allowing it to be passed into request, upload, and download methods directly. Alamofire uses URLRequestConvertible as the foundation of all requests flowing through the request pipeline. Using URLRequests directly is the recommended way to customize URLRequest creation outside of the ParameterEncoders that Alamofire provides.

let url = URL(string: "")!
var urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
urlRequest.method = .post

let parameters = ["foo": "bar"]

do {
    urlRequest.httpBody = try JSONEncoder().encode(parameters)
} catch {
    // Handle error.



Applications interacting with web applications in a significant manner are encouraged to have custom types conform to URLRequestConvertible as a way to ensure consistency of requested endpoints. Such an approach can be used to abstract away server-side inconsistencies and provide type-safe routing, as well as manage other state.

Routing Requests

As apps grow in size, it's important to adopt common patterns as you build out your network stack. An important part of that design is how to route your requests. The Alamofire URLConvertible and URLRequestConvertible protocols along with the Router design pattern are here to help.

A “router” is a type that defines “routes”, or the components of a request. These components can include the parts of a URLRequest, the parameters required to make a request, as well as various per-request Alamofire settings. A simple router could look something like this:

enum Router: URLRequestConvertible {
    case get, post

    var baseURL: URL {
        return URL(string: "")!

    var method: HTTPMethod {
        switch self {
        case .get: return .get
        case .post: return .post

    var path: String {
        switch self {
        case .get: return "get"
        case .post: return "post"

    func asURLRequest() throws -> URLRequest {
        let url = baseURL.appendingPathComponent(path)
        var request = URLRequest(url: url)
        request.method = method

        return request


More complex routers may include the parameters of a request. With Alamofire’s ParameterEncoder protocol and included encoders, any Encodable type can be used as parameters:

enum Router: URLRequestConvertible {
    case get([String: String]), post([String: String])

    var baseURL: URL {
        return URL(string: "")!

    var method: HTTPMethod {
        switch self {
        case .get: return .get
        case .post: return .post

    var path: String {
        switch self {
        case .get: return "get"
        case .post: return "post"

    func asURLRequest() throws -> URLRequest {
        let url = baseURL.appendingPathComponent(path)
        var request = URLRequest(url: url)
        request.method = method

        switch self {
        case let .get(parameters):
            request = try URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder().encode(parameters, into: request)
        case let .post(parameters):
            request = try JSONParameterEncoder().encode(parameters, into: request)

        return request

Routers can be expanded for any number of endpoints with any number of configurable properties, but once a certain level of complexity has been reached, separating one big router into smaller routers for parts of an API should be considered.

Response Handling

Alamofire provides response handling through various response methods and the ResponseSerializer protocol.

Handling Responses Without Serialization

Both DataRequest and DownloadRequest offer methods that allow response handling without invoking any ResponseSerializer at all. This is most important for DownloadRequests where loading large files into memory may not be possible.

// DataRequest
func response(queue: DispatchQueue = .main, completionHandler: @escaping (AFDataResponse<Data?>) -> Void) -> Self

// DownloadRequest
func response(queue: DispatchQueue = .main, completionHandler: @escaping (AFDownloadResponse<URL?>) -> Void) -> Self

As with all response handlers, all serialization work (in this case none) is performed on an internal queue and the completion handler called on the queue passed to the method. This means that it’s not necessary to dispatch back to the main queue by default. However, if there is to be any significant work performed in the completion handler, passing a custom queue to the response methods is recommended, with a dispatch back to main in the handler itself if necessary.


The ResponseSerializer protocol is composed of the DataResponseSerializerProtocol and DownloadResponseSerializerProtocol protocols. The combined version of ResponseSerializer looks like this:

public protocol ResponseSerializer: DataResponseSerializerProtocol & DownloadResponseSerializerProtocol {
    /// The type of serialized object to be created.
    associatedtype SerializedObject

    /// `DataPreprocessor` used to prepare incoming `Data` for serialization.
    var dataPreprocessor: DataPreprocessor { get }
    /// `HTTPMethod`s for which empty response bodies are considered appropriate.
    var emptyRequestMethods: Set<HTTPMethod> { get }
    /// HTTP response codes for which empty response bodies are considered appropriate.
    var emptyResponseCodes: Set<Int> { get }

    func serialize(request: URLRequest?, response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) throws -> SerializedObject
    func serializeDownload(request: URLRequest?,
                           response: HTTPURLResponse?,
                           fileURL: URL?,
                           error: Error?) throws -> SerializedObject

By default, the serializeDownload method is implemented by reading the downloaded Data from disk and calling serialize with it. Therefore, it may be more appropriate to implement custom handling for large downloads using DownloadRequest’s response(queue:completionHandler:) method mentioned above.

ResponseSerializer provides various default implementations for the dataPreprocessor, emptyResponseMethods, and emptyResponseCodes which can be customized in conforming types, like various ResponseSerializers included with Alamofire.

All ResponseSerializer usage flows through methods on DataRequest and DownloadRequest:

// DataRequest
func response<Serializer: DataResponseSerializerProtocol>(
    queue: DispatchQueue = .main,
    responseSerializer: Serializer,
    completionHandler: @escaping (AFDataResponse<Serializer.SerializedObject>) -> Void) -> Self

// DownloadRequest
func response<Serializer: DownloadResponseSerializerProtocol>(
    queue: DispatchQueue = .main,
    responseSerializer: Serializer,
    completionHandler: @escaping (AFDownloadResponse<Serializer.SerializedObject>) -> Void) -> Self

Alamofire includes a few common responses handlers, including:

  • responseData(queue:completionHandler:): Validates and preprocesses the response Data using DataResponseSerializer.
  • responseString(queue:encoding:completionHandler:): Parses the response Data as a String using the provided String.Encoding.
  • responseDecodable(of:queue:decoder:completionHandler:): Parses the response Data into the provided or inferred Decodable type using the provided DataDecoder. Uses JSONDecoder by default. Recommend method for JSON and generic response parsing.


Calling responseData(queue:completionHandler:) on DataRequest or DownloadRequest uses a DataResponseSerializer to validate that Data has been returned appropriately (no empty responses unless allowed by the emptyResponseMethods and emptyResponseCodes) and passes that Data through the dataPreprocessor. This response handler is useful for customized Data handling but isn’t usually necessary.


Calling responseString(queue:encoding:completionHandler:) on DataRequest or DownloadRequest uses a StringResponseSerializer to validate that Data has been returned appropriately (no empty responses unless allowed by the emptyResponseMethods and emptyResponseCodes) and passes that Data through the dataPreprocessor. The preprocessed Data is then used to initialize a String using the String.Encoding parsed from the HTTPURLResponse.


Calling responseDecodable(of:queue:decoder:completionHandler:) on DataRequest or DownloadRequest uses a DecodableResponseSerializerto validate that Data has been returned appropriately (no empty responses unless allowed by the emptyResponseMethods and emptyResponseCodes) and passes that Data through the dataPreprocessor. The preprocessed Data is then passed through the provided DataDecoder and parsed into the provided or inferred Decodable type.

Customizing Response Handlers

In addition to the flexible ResponseSerializers included with Alamofire, there are additional ways to customize response handling.

Response Transforms

Using an existing ResponseSerializer and then transforming the output is one of the simplest ways of customizing response handlers. Both DataResponse and DownloadResponse have map, tryMap, mapError, and tryMapError methods that can transform responses while preserving the metadata associated with the response. For example, extracting a property from a Decodable response can be achieved using map, while also preserving any previous parsing errors.

AF.request(...).responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in
    let propertyResponse = { $0.someProperty }


Transforms that throw errors can also be used with tryMap, perhaps to perform validation:

AF.request(..).responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in
    let propertyResponse = response.tryMap { try $0.someProperty.validated() }


Creating a Custom Response Serializer

When Alamofire’s provided ResponseSerializers or response transforms aren’t flexible enough, or the amount of customization is extensive, creating a ResponseSerializer is a good way to encapsulate that logic. There are usually two parts to integrating a custom ResponseSerializer: creating the conforming type and extending the relevant Request type(s) to make it convenient to use. For example, if a server returned a specially encoded String, perhaps values separated by commas, the ResponseSerializer for such a format could look something like this:

struct CommaDelimitedSerializer: ResponseSerializer {
    func serialize(request: URLRequest?, response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) throws -> [String] {
        // Call the existing StringResponseSerializer to get many behaviors automatically.
        let string = try StringResponseSerializer().serialize(request: request,
                                                              response: response,
                                                              data: data,
                                                              error: error)

        return Array(string.split(separator: ","))

Note that the SerializedObject associatedtype requirement is met by the return type of the serialize method. In more complex serializers, this return type itself can be generic, allowing the serialization of generic types, as seen by the DecodableResponseSerializer.

To make the CommaDelimitedSerializer more useful, additional behaviors could be added, like allowing the customization of empty HTTP methods and response codes by passing them through to the underlying StringResponseSerializer.

Streaming Response Handlers

DataStreamRequest uses its own unique response handler type to process incoming Data as part of a stream. In addition to the provided handlers, custom serialization can be performed through the use of the DataStreamSerializer protocol.

public protocol DataStreamSerializer {
    /// Type produced from the serialized `Data`.
    associatedtype SerializedObject

    /// Serializes incoming `Data` into a `SerializedObject` value.
    /// - Parameter data: `Data` to be serialized.
    /// - Throws: Any error produced during serialization.
    func serialize(_ data: Data) throws -> SerializedObject

Any custom DataStreamSerializer can be used to process streaming Data by using the responseStream method:

AF.streamRequest(...).responseStream(using: CustomSerializer()) { stream in
    // Process stream.

Alamofire includes DecodableStreamSerializer, a DataStreamSerializer which can parse Decodable types from incoming Data. It can be customized with both a DataDecoder instance and a DataPreprocessor and used through the responseStreamDecodable method:

AF.streamRequest(...).responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { stream in
    // Process stream.

Or by using it directly in the previously mentioned streamResponse method:

AF.streamRequest(...).responseStream(using: DecodableStreamSerializer<DecodableType>(decoder: JSONDecoder())) { stream in
    // Process stream.

Using Alamofire with Combine

On systems supporting the Combine framework, Alamofire offers the ability to publish responses using a custom Publisher type. These publishers work much like Alamofire's response handlers. They are chained onto requests and, like response handlers, should come after other API like validate(). For example:

AF.request(...).publishDecodable(type: DecodableType.self)

This code produces a DataResponsePublisher<DecodableType> value which will publish a DataResponse<DecodableType, AFError> value. Like all Alamofire Publishers, DataResponsePublisher is fully lazy, meaning that will only add the response handler and resume the request once a downstream Subscriber has made demand for values. It only provides one value and cannot be retried.

To properly handle retry when using Alamofire's Publishers, use Alamofire's built in retry mechanisms, as explained above.

Additionally, DataResponsePublisher provides the ability to transform the outgoing DataResponse<Success, Failure> into a Result<Success, Failure> value or a Success value with a Failure error. For example:

let publisher = AF.request(...).publishDecodable(type: DecodableType.self)
let resultPublisher = publisher.result() // Provides an AnyPublisher<Result<DecodableType, AFError>, Never>.
let valuePublisher = publisher.value() // Provides an AnyPublisher<DecodableType, AFError>.

As with any Publisher, DataResponsePublisher can be used with various Combine APIs, allow Alamofire to support easy simultaneous requests for the first time.

// All usage of cancellable Combine API must have its token stored to maintain the subscription.
var tokens: Set<AnyCancellable> = []


let first = AF.request(...).publishDecodable(type: First.self)
let second = AF.request(...).publishDecodable(type: Second.self)
let both = Publishers.CombineLatest(first, second)
both.sink { first, second in // DataResponse<First, AFError>, DataResponse<Second, AFError>
.store(in: &tokens)

Sequential requests are also possible:

// All usage of cancellable Combine API must have its token stored to maintain the subscription.
var tokens: Set<AnyCancellable> = []


    .publishDecodable(type: First.self)
    .flatMap {
        AF.request(...) // Use First value to create second request.
            .publishDecodable(type: Second.self)
    .sink { second in // DataResponse<Second, AFError>
    .store(in: &tokens)

Once subscribed, this chain of transformations will make the first request and then create a publisher for a second, finishing when the second request has finished.

As with all Combine usage, care must be taken to ensure that subscriptions are not cancelled early by maintaining the lifetime of the AnyCancellable tokens returned by functions like sink. If a request is cancelled prematurely, the response's error will be set to AFError.explicitlyCancelled.


Alamofire also offers a Publisher for DownloadRequests, DownloadResponsePublisher. Its behavior and capabilities are the same as DataResponsePublisher.

Like most DownloadRequest's response handlers, DownloadResponsePublisher reads Data from disk to perform serialization, which can impact system performance if reading a large amount of Data. It's recommended you use publishUnserialized() to receive just the URL? that the file was downloaded to and perform your own read from disk for large files.


DataStreamPublisher is a Publisher for DataStreamRequests. Like DataStreamRequest itself, and unlike Alamofire's other Publishers, DataStreamPublisher can return multiple values serialized from Data received from the network, as well as a final completion event. For more information on how DataStreamRequest works, please see our detailed usage documentation.

Using Alamofire with Swift Concurrency

Swift's concurrency features, released in Swift 5.5, provide fundamental asynchronous building blocks in the language, including async-await syntax, Tasks, and actors. Alamofire provides extensions allowing the use of common Alamofire APIs with Swift's concurrency features.

Alamofire's concurrency support requires Swift 5.6.0 or Xcode 13.3.1 due to bugs with older Swift 5.5 compilers and Xcode versions. These examples also include the use of static protocol values added in Alamofire 5.5 for Swift 5.5.

DataRequest and UploadRequest Support

Alamofire's concurrency support works by vending various *Task types, like DataTask, DownloadTask, and DataStreamTask. These types work similarly to Alamofire's existing response handlers and convert the standard completion handlers into async properties which can be awaited. For example, DataRequest (and UploadRequest, which inherits from DataRequest) can provide a DataTask used to await any of the asynchronous values:

let value = try await AF.request(...).serializingDecodable(TestResponse.self).value

This code synchronously produces a DataTask<TestResponse> value which can be used to await any part of the resulting DataResponse<TestResponse, AFError>. Each DataTask can be used to await any of these properties as many times as needed. For example:

let dataTask = AF.request(...).serializingDecodable(TestResponse.self)
// Later...
let response = await dataTask.response // Returns full DataResponse<TestResponse, AFError>
// Elsewhere...
let result = await dataTask.result // Returns Result<TestResponse, AFError>
// And...
let value = try await dataTask.value // Returns the TestResponse or throws the AFError as an Error

Similarly, and like Alamofire's existing closure and publisher-based response handlers, each request can produce multiple tasks that perform the same or different serializations.

let request = AF.request(...)
// Later...
let stringResponse = await request.serializingString().response
// Elsewhere...
let decodableResponse = await request.serializingDecodable(TestResponse.self).response

Finally, like all Swift Concurrency APIs, these awaitable properties can be used to await multiple requests issued in parallel. For example:

async let first = AF.request(...).serializingDecodable(TestResponse.self).response
async let second = AF.request(...).serializingString().response
async let third = AF.request(...).serializingData().response

// Later...

// Produces (DataResponse<TestResponse, AFError>, DataResponse<String, AFError>,  DataResponse<Data, AFError>)
// when all requests are complete.
let responses = await (first, second, third)

Alamofire's concurrency APIs can also be used with other builtin concurrency constructs like Task and TaskGroup.

DownloadRequest Support

Like DataRequest, DownloadRequest vends its own DownloadTask value which can be used to await the completion of the request. Like the existing response handlers, the DownloadTask will read the downloaded Data from disk, so if the Data is very large it's best to simply get the URL and read the Data in a way that won't read it all into memory at once.

let url = try await

Automatic Cancellation

By default, DataTask and DownloadTask values do not cancel the underlying request when an enclosing concurrent context is cancelled. This means that request will complete even if the enclosing context is explicitly cancelled. For example:

let request = AF.request(...) // Creates the DataRequest.
let task = Task { // Produces a `Task<DataResponse<TestResponse, AFError>, Never> value.
    await request.serializingDecodable(TestResponse.self).response

// Later...

task.cancel() // task is cancelled, but the DataRequest created inside it is not.
print(task.isCancelled) // true
print(request.isCancelled) // false

If automatic cancellation is desired, it can be configured when creating the DataTask or DownloadTask. For example:

let request = AF.request(...) // Creates the DataRequest.
let task = Task { // Produces a `Task<DataResponse<TestResponse, AFError>, Never> value.
    await request.serializingDecodable(TestResponse.self, automaticallyCancelling: true).response

// Later...

task.cancel() // task is cancelled.
print(task.isCancelled) // true
print(request.isCancelled) // true

This automatic cancellation only takes affect when one of the asynchronous properties is awaited.

DataStreamRequest Support

DataStreamRequest, unlike the other request types, does not read a single value and complete. Instead, it continuously streams Data from the server to be processed through a handler. With Swift Concurrency, this callback API has been replaced with StreamOf values vended by DataStreamTask. StreamOf conforms to AsyncSequence, allowing the use of for await syntax to observe values as they're received by the stream. Unlike DataTask and DownloadTask, DataStreamTask doesn't vend asynchronous properties itself. Instead, it vends the streams that can be observed.

let streamTask = AF.dataStreamRequest(...).streamTask()

// Later...

for await data in streamTask.streamingData() {
    // Streams Stream<Data, Never> values. a.k.a StreamOf<DataStreamRequest.Stream<Data, Never>>

This loop only ends when the DataStreamRequest completes, either through the server closing the connection or the DataStreamRequest being cancelled. If the loop is ended early by breaking out of it, the DataStreamRequest is canceled and no further values can be received. If the use of multiple observers without automatically cancellation is desired, you can pass false for the automaticallyCancelling parameter.

let streamTask = AF.dataStreamRequest(...).streamTask()

// Later...

for await data in streamTask.streamingData(automaticallyCancelling: false) {
    // Streams Stream<Data, Never> values. a.k.a StreamOf<DataStreamRequest.Stream<Data, Never>>
    if condition { break } // Stream ends but underlying `DataStreamRequest` is not cancelled and keeps receiving data.

One observer setting automaticallyCancelling to false does not affect other from the same DataStreamRequest, so if any other observer exits the request will still be cancelled.

Value Stream Handlers

Alamofire provides various handlers for internal values which are produced asynchronously, such as Progress values, URLRequests and URLSessionTasks, as well as cURL descriptions of the request each time a new request is issued. Alamofire's concurrency support now exposes these handlers as StreamOf values that can be used to asynchronously observe the received values. For instance, if you wanted to print each cURL description produced by a request:

let request = AF.request(...)

// Later...

for await description in request.cURLDescriptions() {

Network Reachability

The NetworkReachabilityManager listens for changes in the reachability of hosts and addresses for both Cellular and WiFi network interfaces.

let manager = NetworkReachabilityManager(host: "")

manager?.startListening { status in
    print("Network Status Changed: \(status)")

Make sure to remember to retain the manager in the above example, or no status changes will be reported. Also, do not include the scheme in the host string or reachability won't function correctly.

There are some important things to remember when using network reachability to determine what to do next.

  • DO NOT use Reachability to determine if a network request should be sent.
    • You should ALWAYS send it.
  • When reachability is restored, use the event to retry failed network requests.
    • Even though the network requests may still fail, this is a good moment to retry them.
  • The network reachability status can be useful for determining why a network request may have failed.
    • If a network request fails, it is more useful to tell the user that the network request failed due to being offline rather than a more technical error, such as "request timed out."

Alternatively, using a RequestRetrier, like the built in RetryPolicy, instead of reachability updates to retry requests which failed to a network failure will likely be simpler and more reliable. By default, RetryPolicy will retry idempotent requests on a variety of error conditions, including an offline network connection.