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@kcharwood kcharwood released this 19 Aug 15:32
· 595 commits to master since this release

2.6.0 (08-18-2015)
Released on Tuesday, August 18th, 2015. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.

Important Upgrade Notes
Please note the following API/project changes have been made:

  • iOS 6 support has now been removed from the podspec. Note that iOS 6 support has not been removed explicitly from the project, but it will be removed in a future update.
  • Full Certificate Chain Validation has been removed from AFSecurityPolicy. As discussed in #2744, there was no documented security advantage to pinning against an entire certificate chain. If you were using full certificate chain, please determine and select the most ideal certificate in your chain to pin against.
  • The request url will now be returned by the UIImageView category if the image is returned from cache. In previous releases, both the request and the response were nil. Going forward, only the response will be nil.
  • Support for App Extension Targets is now baked in using NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE_IOS. You no longer need to define AF_APP_EXTENSIONS in order to include code in a extension target.
  • This release now supports watchOS 2.0, which relys on target conditionals that are only present in Xcode 7 and iOS 9/watchOS 2.0/OS X 10.10. If you install the library using CocoaPods, AFNetworking will define these target conditionals for on older platforms, allowing your code to complile. If you do not use Cocoapods, you will need to add the following code your to PCH file.
  #define TARGET_OS_WATCH 0
  • This release migrates query parameter serialization to model AlamoFire and adhere to RFC standards. Note that / and ? are no longer encoded by default.

Note that support for NSURLConnection based API's will be removed in a future update. If you have not already done so, it is recommended that you transition to the NSURLSession APIs in the very near future.



  • Fixed a crash related for objects that observe notifications but don't properly unregister.
  • Fixed a race condition crash that occured with AFImageResponseSerialization.
  • Fixed an issue where tests failed to run on CI due to unavailable simulators.
  • Fixed "method override not found" warnings in Xcode 7 Betas
  • Removed Duplicate Import and UIKit Header file.
  • Removed the ability to include duplicate certificates in the pinned certificate chain.
  • Fixed potential memory leak in AFNetworkReachabilityManager.

Documentation Improvements

  • Clarified best practices for Reachability per Apple recommendations.
  • Added startMonitoring call to the Reachability section of the README
  • Fixed documentation error around how baseURL is used for reachability monitoring.
  • Numerous spelling corrections in the documentation.