Problems are a central part of human life. The Psychology of Problem Solving organizes in one volume much of what psychologists know about problem solving and the factors that contribute to its success or failure. There are chapters by leading experts in this field, including Miriam Bassok, Randall Engle, Anders Ericsson, Arthur Graesser, Keith Stanovich, Norbert Schwarz, and B...
Problems are a central part of human life. The Psychology of Problem Solving organizes in one volume much of what psychologists know about problem solving and the factors that contribute to its success or failure. There are chapters by leading experts in this field, including Miriam Bassok, Randall Engle, Anders Ericsson, Arthur Graesser, Keith Stanovich, Norbert Schwarz, and Barry Zimmerman, among others. The Psychology of Problem Solving is divided into four parts. Following an introduction that reviews the nature of problems and the history and methods of the field, Part II focuses on individual differences in, and the influence of, the abilities and skills that humans bring to problem situations. Part III examines motivational and emotional states and cognitive strategies that influence problem solving performance, while Part IV summarizes and integrates the various views of problem solving proposed in the preceding chapters.
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Considering the following case that a physics professor submitted to his colleague, whom he requested to be an impartial judge: The physics professor asked on an exam how one could measure the height of a building using a barometer. The student replied that one could take the barometer to the top of the building, attach it to a cord, slowly let the barometer down along the side of the building and once the barometer was on the ground, bring it back up and measure the length of the cord to determine the height of the building. This answer was given a zero; it did not use any of the formulas taught in class. However the student claimed that the answer deserved full credit.
The impartial colleague of the student's professor decided to give the student a second chance and asked the student to... (查看原文)
problem solving has identified several variables that influence problem-solving performance. Among these are knowledge,cognitive processes and strategies, individual differences in ability and dispositions, as well as external factors such as social context
Mental representations are composed of four parts: a description of the initial state of the problem, a description of the goal state, a set of allowable operators, and a set of constraints
This theory proposes that metacompo- nents guide problem solving by planning, monitoring, and evaluating the problem-solving process. The metacomponents include such processes as (1) recognizing the existence of a problem, (2) defining the nature of the problem, (3) allocating mental and physical resources to solving the prob- lem, (4) deciding how to represent information about the problem, (5...
Mental representations are composed of four parts: a description of the initial state of the problem, a description of the goal state, a set of allowable operators, and a set of constraints
problem solving has identified several variables that influence problem-solving performance. Among these are knowledge,cognitive processes and strategies, individual differences in ability and dispositions, as well as external factors such as social context
Mental representations are composed of four parts: a description of the initial state of the problem, a description of the goal state, a set of allowable operators, and a set of constraints
5 有用 静远 2013-01-22 16:43:26
1 有用 Y7UK2 2016-11-11 21:20:30
0 有用 lolita83 2017-05-31 16:54:18
每章都是一个业内大牛写的综述,虽然都是大牛但是文笔的差异就出来了开头几章写的还算可读性比较强有几章完全是文献综述的感觉。整体来说读完还是收获不少,比如解决问题的步骤,启发,人生的不少事情其实都可以用problem solving的思路来解决。一般读者我就不推荐了
0 有用 空灵 Nullvoid 2010-01-31 08:57:10
too much jargon
0 有用 Trailblazer 2020-08-01 03:47:08
关于 PS 的方方面面都 cover 到了。书中有一篇综述指出了大多 PS 研究都关注在问题域的描述和解决问题这些后面的阶段;初期的问题识别和问题定义少有人研究。现在做过一些高阶认知领域的项目,发现被试在识别和理解实验任务方面确实跟我们预期的有所不同,很需要这方面文献的指引啊。